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Today was the day Will and the others were supposed to return home. I'd waited for their return up on the scaffolding all night wondering if they would come back early. The sun had shifted just overhead signaling that it was noon and I listened closely, past the dead one's growling and gurgling, for the purr of their car engine.

"Jane!" Ben yelled for me from down below. I squinted down at him, but quickly looked back to the road. "He'll be back. You need to eat and drink some water."

"I'm fine," I said while repositioning my hands on my weapon and shaking out my tired arms. "Thanks though, Ben."

"Hey!" Ciara screamed from behind me and I turned on my heel to glare at her. What was her problem?

"Come down. It's not your shift anymore," she shouted and I smiled knowing that this was only coming from her worried side.

"Ci, I'm fine," I laughed to myself, and finally after a few more tries to coerce me down, they left to go do whatever they needed to do today.

But as the afternoon went on, my hands grew weaker and my mind drifted to darker places. What if something went terribly wrong on the trip? What if Sawyer turned on them like he turned on me? What if Will never comes back?

I couldn't imagine never seeing my brother again. I'd never thought I'd say something like that, but I meant it. Without my brother here, I didn't want to try and go at this world alone.

"I brought," Harry climbed the metal ladder up the scaffolding and grunted as he placed his feet on the floor, "some water for ya."

I squinted at him and accepted his offer without thanking him. Deeply, I felt hurt that he sent Will to do his dirty work, but at the same time I understood how needed in camp Harry was from a day-to-day aspect. It was a lose-lose situation so there was no point in me bringing drama to it when it wasn't necessary.

"Seen anything fishy?" he started that awkward conversation banter he was getting so good at with me.

"Just a grown man wearing pants made for a twelve-year-old boy," I said flatly and tipped the water bottle back into my mouth.

He chuckled and bit the inside of his cheek knowing I said it to annoy him.

Harry's POV

I watched Jane pace back and forth on the scaffolding look out and I wondered if she was doing this 24-hour shift to punish herself, or even to punish me. Will would be back. He always made it home, whether it was a day or two late or a day or two early, he always made it...

"She's not coming down," Ben sighed sitting next to me on the lawn chairs right outside the garage.

I'd been teaching him a few things about cars and he seemed interested enough to try and listen, but he was still too young to drive. I just hoped that his future was a lot longer than most kids these days. I'd like to see him use this information before the world actually ended for him.

"I see that," I sighed and crossed my right ankle over my knee. Jane continued her hard stare through the tree lines and toward the road in front.

"She's the most hardheaded person I know," Ben sighed and I chuckled agreeing with him.

"You tried," I slapped his knee treating him like a man and not like the kid he was. He stared at me for a moment and I narrowed my eyes at him wondering what it was for.

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