chapter. 31

22 1 3

3rd person  p.o.v

eden and nate spent their time in the park just sitting under a tree and talking about random things like animals, cartoons, fanfics all the things they have in common.

nate really likes spending time with ed. he never realized how much he liked him as a person. he admires eden. the way he keeps moving forward even after all he's been through is inspiring.

' so uh ed, i was thinking that we haven't hung out for a bit and i really missed spending time with you so i was thinking that after the park want to go to the mall ? maybe grab some lunch and buy you some clothes and just spend time together and forget about everything else ya know ? '

nate knew something was wrong with eden, he looked sad and thinner. he wanted to put a smile on his face, because he missed that beautiful smile of his.

' sure nate ! i missed spending time with you too, there's a lot going on and i would love to spend time with someone that actually cares about me. '

' ill always care about you ed, cmon lets go'

eden and nate walk their way to the mall, it's not that far. eden will occasionally skip happily because he was excited. when they were almost there their hands intertwined with each other's. eden was flushed but didn't let go and nate just smiled. eden forgot everything about dean and only focused on nate. maybe this was for the best ? eden continued to skip and pull nate so they would go and just kept smiling along the way.

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