Chapter Eight

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Text: AI (Ashton Irwin) AP (Aria Poynter)

AI - Hi Aria, it's Ashton :). Just to let you know we are now home safe, as requested ;) xx

AP - Hey, glad you got home safe :). Thanks again for a great evening xx

AI - It really wasn't much we only went to McDonald's. If you really want a lovely evening you'll let me take you on a date? Sorry if that sounded cheesy, it's been a while :/ xx

AP - Really? I would've thought you'd have girls lining up xx

AI - What makes you say that? Xx

AP - I don't know. You're kind, funny and you're not to bad on the eyes either haha xx

AI - Haha, not to bad on the eyes ay ;) xx

AP - Haha, you know what I mean xx

AI - So can I take that as a yes to the date?? :) xx

AP - I don't know, it's been a while for me too. I'm not exactly the person people want to date xx

AI - I do. If you'll give me a chance? At least let me take you for a coffee? Get to know each other a little better xx

AP - Okay, that does actually sound quite nice. Let me know when and where and I look forward to it. Anyway I really wish I could text you all night, but unfortunately i've got to get up early for work tomorrow. So i'm off to be now :( xx

Aria's POV
I got up from my bed and went to put my phone on charge ready for my early start. Before I managed to plug it into the mains it started vibrating erratically. I answered it immediately when I saw the photo of me and Ashton took earlier this evening. 

'Hello' I answered.

'Hey' I heard his Australian accent reply on the other end of the line.

'I just called to um..' he paused.

'Ash?' I asked slightly concerned.

'Sorry, I just called to wish you goodnight' he chuckled.

'Aww that's very sweet of you' I replied, touched.

'Goodnight beautiful, sweet dreams' He said softly.

'Goodnight Ash.' I smiled to myself before we both hung up.
I finished plugging my phone in and went to bed.

It felt way to early when my alarm went off at 6 o'clock in the morning. I slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I had a quick shower and then went to get changed. Before I did however I checked the time on my phone. 6:15am and 1 new message. I unlocked my phone and read the message. I smiled to myself as I read.

Ashton - Good Morning beautiful. I hope you have an amazing day :) xx

I couldn't believe that Ashton Irwin of very popular up and coming band 5 Seconds of Summer was texting me. I pressed reply.

Good Morning :) Thank You I hope you have a great day too :) xxx

I sent the message and then proceeded to get changed. I was out of the house by 7am and on the bus on my way to work. I reach work at about half 7. I was greeted by my boss Kate who was always in early. I swear she practically lived at the recording studio.

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