Charter 8: Blizzard

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This is what Blizzard looks like.
Dawn and Dusk race to the edge of the cave and was about to jump in the raging waters behind the waterfall. But Scar charge them and attack them.  He beat Dawn so bad the she was knock out. Then he turn to Dusk, started to beat her, too. He kick her to her knees  he shot up on his hind legs, ready to try to kill her.
"Why are you doing this to us?!" Dusk said with rage.
"You are the grandfillies of Spirit! I want a powerful herd of my own, so I will take Spirit's Herd!" He cried with pride mix with evil thoughts.
"I do not think so!"  A voice called.

Dusk turn her head to see Blizzard.

Blizzard was standing in the mist with Mountain, Freedom , and Eagle.

Here is a picture of Mountain, Freedom, and Eagle...

Here is a picture of Mountain, Freedom, and Eagle

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Blizzard charge Scar while Mountain and Freedom help get Dawn and Dusk to their hooves. Blizzard race around Scar keeping him on the edge of his fighting  hooves. They traded bites and kicks. Once Dawn and Dusk with Flame were safe. Mountain, Freedom, and Eagle return to Blizzard to help with the attack. Scar seem to be having fun, but when he turn to kick his enemy, he kick the wall of the cave. The cave started to cave-in.
"Everyone out now!" Whinny Blizzard.
They all charge out of the cave, but Scar he was laughing madly.
"You  all are so foolish. Just sacred of some rocks falling rock!" He said with bids of laugher.

Blizzard turn just in time to see  Scar be covered with stones.
Scar was dead! Blizzard duck out of the cave and dove into the choppy water. Blizzard pop up out of the water, and swam to shore. The whole herd was there. Misty had two colts beside her.
"Are they mine?" Asked Blizzard.
"Yes." Said Misty. "Desert and Jet."
This is a picture of Desert and Jet...

"This is a picture of Desert and Jet

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