Chapter 1

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"Jimin-ah!! Wait up!" Chorong rushed to her brother as they ran together in the park. "Come on Noona! You're so slow haha!" yelled Jimin. They slowed down as the sky turned gray. "I think we should hurry, looks like it's about to rain" said Chorong as she pulled Jimin's sleeve "Come on kids! It looks like it's about to rain" said their parents. "Wait Noona, what's that?" "What's what" she looked up to see what he was pointing at.

A huge spaceship was coming down from the sky and the wind began to blow even harder, their parents yelled even louder "KIDS!!". Jimin and Chorong just stared at it but once it was only a few feet from the ground, Chorong pulled Jimin's sleeve even harder and yelled "JIMIN! WE NEED TO GO" but Jimin didn't budge, he stayed in his place.

The spaceship got even closer to the ground as a large tube extended from the spaceship. There were more spaceships that appeared out of nowhere and large tubes extended from those spaceships.The people around them disappeared one by one as they were sucked by the tubes.

Chorong panicked, Jimin and Chorong began to run towards their parents as they shouted "MOM! DAD!" a tube was getting even closer to their parents then Jimin and Chorong ran even faster. "MOM! DAD!" they yelled even louder, their parents were about to start running towards them but the tube had already sucked them in. "NO! MOM! DAD!" Chorong screamed then fell to the ground. Jimin pulled her back to her feet and they ran away from all the spaceships.

They hid behind a building, panting after the long run. They leaned on the wall as Chorong asked "What's going on? What's happening?" Jimin panted and said "It's an invasion we have to avoid those spaceships" Chorong sighed and muttered "Darn those aliens". Jimin spotted another spaceship then grabbed Chorong's hand as they began running again.

The spaceship spotted them and it went even closer to them, another big tube extended from the spaceship ready to take them away. Jimin's grip on his sister got even stronger, as well as Chorong's grip on her younger brother. The tube got even closer but Jimin and Chorong tried to outrun it. Jimin's feet slowly got off the ground but they still tried to run. Chorong saw him slowly floating, she gasped "JIMIN!" she held is arm and ran even faster to get her brother away from the chaos.

Chorong got weak from running, she spotted a big and strong tree. Her grip on Jimin got even stronger as she used the tree to avoid both of them from getting abducted.

Jimin's gaze to her softened and his grip on her got weaker, this did not go unnoticed by Chorong. She yelled "DON'T YOU DARE LET GO JIMIN!" tears slowly formed in both of their eyes. Jimin said "Noona, one of us has to survive" Chorong shook her head "NO! BOTH OF US MUST SURVIVE!". The tube was already trying to suck Jimin in, Jimin was flying in the air but Chorong kept her grip on him.

"No noona" Chorong lost her grip on Jimin's left arm but still held on his right arm. "NO JIMIN, I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" Chorong was already crying but kept the tears from falling even more. "You have to-" "JIMIN SHUT UP!!" Chorong couldn't bear the sight losing her parents, she won't let those aliens take her brother too.

"I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOU, WHY CAN'T YOU HELP ME?" Chorong kept her strong grip on Jimin, not wanting to lose him too. Jimin flew even higher, making his brown bracelet with a cross on it, fall to Chorong's wrist. "Noona, let go" Jimin's soft voice made Chorong cry even more. Jimin was no longer holding onto Chorong, Chorong was still holding on to him. "NO JIMIN, I WILL NEVER LET GO" Chorong closed her eyes, trying to pull Jimin away from the tube. Jimin sighed and said "I know you won't but please I want to save you" Chorong's eyes were closed shut as she tried to pull Jimin's arm.

Jimin knew only one thing left to do, he used his left hand to get rid of Chorong's grip on him. "NO JIMIN, STOP IT!!" she shouted but Jimin was ignoring her. He got her left hand off of his arm and then said "Noona, that's enough" "NO!" "I know you'll save us" Jimin pulled her right hand off his arm and flew into the tube. "NO!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

The tube then went after Chorong, her eyes went wide but she held onto the tree with all of her might. The spaceship then gave up on her and left. Tears fell from the eyes rapidly, she then muttered "if only I held onto Jimin even longer they would have not abducted him and just gave up, why did he have to remove my hand?". She cried on the tree then when she opened her eyes, no one was there anymore but everything was a mess, the trash bins were knocked over spreading the trash inside. Majority of the trees were on the ground, windows lost the glass, buildings were wrecked, and rubble was everywhere on the ground.

Chorong weakly stood up ,almost stumbling, she used the energy she had left to stand up and look around. But eventually fell on her knees again. She didn't cry anymore ,instead, she hit the ground several times and cursed under her breath about the aliens.

She finally stood up, anger filled her head and she said "Don't worry Mom, Dad,Jimin, I will save you together with everyone else. Those Aliens will regret messing with this planet".   

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