Chapter 19

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Chorong couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed but nothing would change, she still couldn't fall asleep. "Ugh! Why can't I sleep?!" she groaned. Then an idea came to her. "The aliens could be asleep at this time, so it's perfect to get in!" She changed clothes, grabbed the bag she used when she had moved to the hideout, and went to Joy's room.

"Why are you still up?" Chorong asked and Joy smiled "I had a vision you'd come" Chorong smiled "are you ready?" Joy nodded then held up a backpack filled with some important things.

Chorong and Joy sneaked out quietly out of the hideout. "Why are we sneaking out?" Joy asked "If more find out we're trying to go to those aliens then, well, more people will try to tag along and I'll have more people to worry about" Chorong answered as they sneaked out of the portal to the tunnel to the shed and back to the top.

"Okay, the spaceship could still be by Han River, they couldn't have gone that far" Chorong walked with a serious expression on her face. "But Chorong, why couldn't we have done this in the morning?" Joy asked "well, I have two reasons, 1 is I can't sleep. 2 is I have someone important to save" Chorong didn't spare a glance at Joy as they began jogging.

"Is that someone a family member or a certain person named after food?" Joy asked and when Chorong glanced at her, Joy raised her eyebrows twice with a huge grin on her face.

"Seriously?" but Chorong's cheeks we're getting pink. "Yah, Chorong, don't deny it. I know you like him, my visions have never been wrong, that's why I wonder if the aliens gave this to me as a punishment or as a gift" Joy smiled a bit.

"Joy-ah, don't think of it as a punishment or a gift but as a talent. That talent could save everybody" Chorong put her hand on Joy's shoulder and gave her an encouraging smile. Joy smiled back then Joy said "look! It's the spaceship!".

Chorong looked and saw the spaceship glowing brightly 3 feet from the bridge above Han River. "Come on, we need to find a way inside" Chorong said and Joy nodded. "Let's go around it then we look for an entrance" suggested Joy and Chorong nodded.

They sneaked quietly closer to the spaceship and kept a lookout for either aliens or humans with strange tattoos. "Chorong look" Joy whispered as they found a small opening big enough for them to fit through. "Let's go check it out then we go through" Chorong said.

They both walked towards the opening and Chorong put her hands together and lowered them to Joy's feet. "Come on, on three" Chorong said. Joy put her foot on Chorong's hand "one, two, three!" Joy peeked up through the window "Chorong, it's all clear". "Joy, on three, you climb through the window" Chorong said. "One, two, three!" Chorong pushed Joy to the window and Joy made it up, when she got through, she stretched her hands out to Chorong. "Chorong, grab my hands" Chorong reached out for Joy and she pulled Chorong up.

They finally got inside the spaceship and the coast was all clear. Only a few lights were on, no one was around, and there were no cameras in the room. "So what's the plan?" Joy asked "We look around but we can't split up, we can't risk it" Chorong said as they sneaked from the closest door to the next.

"I see someone inside, keep watch" Chorong said and Joy nodded. Chorong slowly opened the door, and looked around. It was dark, Chorong could barely see anything until she heard something "Chorong!". Chorong looked to her left, "Suga?".

Suga stood up in his cell "what are you doing here?" Chorong smiled and whispered "I promised a little boy to bring you and everyone else back" Suga smiled. "I'm so glad you're here" Chorong smiled back at him.

"Joy!" Chorong said "what is it?" Joy peeped in the room. "Do you know what the password is?" Chorong asked pointing at the lock on the bottom of Suga's cell. Joy began rubbing her head "um....uhm...... 0....3......09!" Chorong put in the numbers and the cell opened. Without any hesitations, Suga stood up and ran to Chorong then he hugged her.

Chorong froze in her spot then just hugged him back, Suga broke the hug and he stared into her eyes. Slowly, he lifted her chin and kissed her. Chorong didn't care anymore because a huge part of her was deeply in love with him. They broke the kiss when they heard someone fake a cough.

They looked back and found V raising his eyebrows at them "well?" Suga let go of Chorong "right, sorry" he approached V's cell then put in the password. V's cell opened then Suga looked at Chorong "um..... He knows his way around here, he can help big time" Chorong raised an eyebrow at him "okay, then quick, we have more people to save". Suga smiled and V said "I know a secret passage, just walking in the halls is very risky" "why is that?" asked Joy "aliens here, are really scary" V then tapped the wall and it rippled like floating water.

V then walked through it, Joy closed the door quietly and all three of them followed behind V.

"Oh yeah, watch your steps, there's a lot of broken wires here so try not to get electrocuted" V warned them. Then Suga pulled Chorong closer to him, Chorong gave him a 'what is it this time?' look then Suga stuttered "uhm... um.... You almost stepped on the wires" then he walked ahead of her.

V then stopped walking "what is it?" asked Suga "we can't go outside, I hear footsteps" V said. "We can't leave yet, we still have more people to save!" Chorong stated, not wanting to leave without the rest. V sighed "go backwards, the way to the humans' dungeon is another way". V couldn't argue with her because he knew it would be a 3 against 1 thing.

Chorong nodded and they walked backwards, V went around them and lead the way again. "We need to really keep quiet now, this passage is within the walls, there could be a lot of guards around the humans' dungeons" V warned them, again. "How will we get in with guards there" Joy asked "Do any of you know self-defense moves?" Suga asked and Chorong smirked "let me handle that".

Chorong went in front when they were finally in the wall that was in the humans' dungeon and quietly went through another portal into the room. There were 2 alien guards in human form, Chorong sneaked up on them and when they faced her, they aimed their light guns at her. She jumped and grabbed one guard's head with her feet then hit it with the other guard's head. Both of the guards fell unconscious and Chorong smirked at them.

"Where'd you learn that?" Suga asked "Wherever she learned that, you've got my approval dude" said V and he patted Suga's back. "Where are the humans?" Joy asked, "they're this way" V went into another room and all four of them peeped through the window.

There were so many jail cells with groups of humans with them but Chorong was only looking for a few specific people. "So, who are we saving here?" V asked "We need to save all of them" Joy said "It would be mean just to save Chorong's family, let's go in". Joy opened the door quietly and there were two guards that were running to them.

Chorong reacted quickly and slide-kicked their feet making them fall on their butts. She held both of the guards down and punched them at the same time, they then became unconscious. Suga stood speechless staring at Chorong. Chorong stood up and moved the hair out of her face. Joy walked to Suga "try not to fall too in love with her hehe" Joy patted his shoulder and walked to Chorong.

The humans cheered when the four of them approached the humans but V said "ssshhhh sshhh, be quiet or else the aliens will wonder why you're so happy and come in here". Joy rubbed her head to find out what the password for the cell was then put the code in. The cell opened and the people sneaked out. Chorong searched for her parents, Jimin, or Eunwoo but she couldn't see any of them.

The four of them opened the jail cells one by one and set the humans free while V lead the humans through the secret passageway and out the exit to freedom. They already opened all the cells but Chorong still didn't find her parents, Jimin, or Eunwoo.

Chorong began to panic "Chorong what's wrong?" Suga asked "I can't find them, any of them!" Chorong fell to the ground as her legs suddenly grew weak. "Chorong!" Suga tried to help Chorong back up but she didn't want to get up. "Joy-ah" Chorong said "Yes?" Joy ran to Chorong "make sure all the humans escaped, I have to find some more humans". Joy nodded and Chorong stood up and left Suga's grip. "Chorong!" Suga ran after Chorong but when Chorong was about to go through a door, a wall appeared in front of her. Joy went through the portal then a wall closed behind her. Every exit Chorong or Suga could use were all blocked, they were locked in.  

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