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Somin's POV

' Somin, You noticing something? ' Zico said Smiling....

' No... ' I said as i showed a small smile....

' Your Pregnant?! ' Zico screamed making me startled...

' Omg,! Jesus Christ! You fxxking scared me!.... And yes... For one... Month... ' I said coldly... Trying to forget that this was Yoongi's Child...

' Sorry... Hehe.... I have good news! ' Zico exclaimed happily.....

' What is it? ' I said smiling....

' I proposed to My Girlfriend for 5 Months and she said Yes!... We're getting married next Month... ' He said as i forced a smile and bit my lip trying not to cry....

' You should forget about Him though... Find someone Better... Not like A Guy like Yoongi that has played with your Heart for 2 Times now... But more worse... '

Zico's right... Maybe i really should forget about Yoongi.... He moved out and we never contacted each other ever since that Day but.... That's Okay... I guess....

' I'll go out for a Minute... Don't come... I want sone time alone ' I said as Zico helped me to stand up...

' Are you going to be okay By Yourself? ' He asked worriedly.... I smiled fakely and nodded....

Actually... I'm not okay without Yoongi....

I made it to the Park and sat on a Bench... I looked at my Tummy who grew a little bit bigger showing tge visible bump... I smiled to myself and caressed my Tummy Gently....

I miss you Min Yoongi,....


Yoongi's POV

I woke up beside my...... W...ife.. And Ch....ild.... Since (Jung) Somin already gave birth to Her Baby Sonhi.... She's a Little Angel but... I didn't want Her.... Somin and I got forced to married 1 Month Ago and not being able to even visit My Real Wife is fucking hell... Yes..... I will escape this without letting my Park Somin get hurt..... I stood from the bed and streched.... I groaned loudly from the Relieve making the Baby cry.... I didn't touch Her and make Her stop She's disgusting the Shit out of me..... Instead i walked out of the Room and grabbed some Casual Outfits with me.... But before i even got to close the goddamn Door... That Motherfxxker called me....

' Yoongi Baby, Where are you going? ' She asked rubbing Her eyes....

' I can go wherever i want, It's none of your Bussiness ' I said coldly making Her scream in frustration....

' I HATE YOU SO MUCH OPPA! Why are you always like this?!! Ugh! ' She screamed angrily...

I smirked

' As if i Loved You... Slut... And for your information.... You were never my Wife... And that child of yours... Isn't fxxking mine... ' I mumbled...


I was walking down the streets near the Park when i saw a Familiar figure of Girl caressing Her tummy Gently while sitting on a Bench.... Then that's when i realized... It's Her.... My Wife....

A tear escaped my eye remembering how cold i said that i wanted divorce... But i didn't care... Instead i walked towards the Bench she was sitting on and sat on the other edge....

I bowed down my head as i heard Her gasped.....

' I'm going Home now... It's getting pretty late ' She said to Herself... But loud enough for me to hear... She's probably uncomfortable with Me being around.... But i knew... It's my Time to say the Truth so i held Her Wrist and pulled Her into a deep Passionate and full of emotion, Kiss.... And it was a shocked that she kissed back and started crying....

She pulled out and ran away....

' Wait! Please Somin! Hear me out! ' I screamed... Surprisingly she did stop and stare at me waiting for my Answer.... I came closer Her and smile but she always back away....

' Don't come any Closer! What, Your going to take the Divorce Papers! Okay... Just go get it to your Old Apartment! ' She said smiling bitterly at me.... But i frowned and started crying....

' Why won't you listen? Do you think i cheated on you and Married Jung Somin because i didn't wanna be with You?! Is that what you think?! I did that because Her Father said if i don't Marry Her he will kill you! That explains all the bruises and the reason why i lied that i ran into a pole! ' I said bailing my eyes out... But she only chuckle....

' Your making excuses again?!, Ugh! Come on Min Yoongi! I'm fxxking and tired of you making excuses and playing with my Hea- ' Before she could finish Her sentence... We both heard a Gun Triggered....

It was (Jung) Somin's Father's Bodyguards pointing the Gun at (Park) Somin's head....

Then we heard clapping and crazy chuckling... It's that crazy psychopath...

' Well, Well, Well, Min Yoongi... You had to say it out loud in Public ' He said clapping whike chuckling Crazily like a Psychopath...

I immediately had a plan to call the Police by dialing in the Phone from my back.... I then screamed....

' HELP! ' And then smirked... (Jung) Somin's Father frowned and gave us a big smirk....

' Say adios to your Loving Ex- Wife '

They pushed Somin that made Her fell and counting down before shooting Her... But.... She didn't got hit.... I ran to Her and blocked her.... Just in time as i heard the Sirens from the Police's Car.... (Park) Somin came to me crying and caressing my cheeks... I smiled at Her and caressed Her Cheek...

That plan was a success......


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