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After we finished dancing, I grabbed a towel and damped it on my sweating skin while drinking water... I grabbed my phone and texter Yoongi, Cuz you know i was bored.....

' Yoongi?... You there? ' I waited patiently for Him to text back, and gladly He did....

' Wae? Is something wrong? You want me to pick you up Jagi? :3 ' I chuckled at His text.....

' Aniyo, I'm just here to tell you Happy Birthday YOONGUMSSSS!!! Hihi! And stay safe Okay?, Don't.Take.your eyes.Off.Yeo.Min. '

' Arraseo, KamSarang Jagiyaaaa!!!~~~ :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3 😍 ' I chuckled more at His text and replied "I Love You as Well"

I put my phone down the table and arranged my things in my bag to go home....


Yoongi's POV

I Was told by Taehyung to go by our dorm because we needed to do something.... I wonder what that is?......

I put on a plain Black Shirt, Jeans and Puma Shoes (cuz' why not? :3) and headed to Zico's House first to tell him to babysit Yeo Min for a moment while i'm gone..... Then i headed to the Dorm.....


At The Dorm.....

I knocked on the door and waited for it to open.... I got startled because of horns blowing..... God my eardrums just bursted..... I saw Jungkook and the others wearing party hats and clingy party things..... ... I furrowed my eyebrows.....

' What the heck is all this? ' I said

They all pulled me inside and i felt like i'm in a club right now.... There were lots of strangers (Mostly Girls) and disco, Champagnes and more party stuffs.....

Seriously?, What is all this?.....

Jimin grabbed my shoulders and sat me on the couch while Namjoon gave me a Shot....


I smiled and chuckled.... Oh yeah, I forgot i was a Gangster hehe.....

' Thanks Guys, Hehe.... '

' Come on!, Drink up! ' Jin Hyung said..... I smiled and drank the soju in one shot......

' WHOOOOOO!!! LET'S PARTAEEEE!!!~~ ' Taehyung said jumping up and down like crazy..... I chuckled and gave myself more soju to drink...... While people were going crazy dancing i spotted someone familiar..... I squinted my eyes to see Her or Him more clearly as He/She came closer to me.....

My eyes widened....

' Lee Yoonji? ' Zico's Wife.....

She smirked and sat on my lap while holding a bottle of Soju.... I furrowed my eyebrows and pushed her off me but she won't budge off.....

' Hello there Min Yoongi.... You are probably wondering why i am here?.... Well...... I'll keep that as a secret for you Mister ' She smirked and came closer me.... I took my head back avoiding Her but she held my nape and......

She fxxking kissed me....

I loved it so much.....

But i couldn't do this to (Park) Somin....

I promised myself i would change our life into a better one... But....

I think i just broke another promise.....

When will this end?....

She broke the kiss and smirked as she handed me a glass of soju.... I took it and drank half of it.... But then... I felt super weird..... I felt a sparkle into Yoonji's eyes..... I-

I think I Love Her....

A/N; Guys!!! So, it's Yoongi's Birthday! YAYYY!! Happy 25th(korean age) Birthday Yoongums!!!! Hmmm.... So the last part where yoongi said i think i love her... What do you think that soju is mixed with? Hehe... And sorry for the late update.... I was so fxxking stressed with School omfg im so sarreh!!!~~ 😍😍😍😍😂😂😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢 STAY FAB!~ 😍😍😍😘😘😘😚😚😚

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