How it started

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it's your schools homecoming. The song "Adore you" comes on. everyone is dancing but you and this really cute guys across the floor from you.

You and this boy you've never seen in school make I contact and he starts walking over.

"Hey y/n want to dance?"

"Sure ha *you blush*"

You and this boy (who you still don't know the name of) are dancing to this song so peaceful.

"So.. What's your name? I haven't really seen you around in school?"

"Haha I'm Nash." he says. So perfectly with the sweetest smile. "I just came to this school a month ago from North Carolina."

"Oh haha so how do you like it here?"

He smiles. "It's getting better." You smile back.

Unfortunately the next song was the last one of the night. Although it was a song you did not recognize it was cute like the perfect love song.

You and your new guy friend or whatever Nash was looking straight into you eyes. All you could do was smile.

He leaned in and kissed you. So soft and gentle, yet so passionate and meaningful.

"Sorry y/n, I don't know what came over me"

"N-n-no" you stuttered "i-its fine, really I mean it." and you smirk at the fact that this new cute boy who you just met kissed you.

The song was over and he backed away and grabbed your hand slowly locking his fingers with yours.

You friend Amy winked at you and gave you a thumbs up.

Nash was walking you out of the dance.

"It's freezing out here."

"Here take my coat." Nash puts the coat around you it was so warm and comfortable.

you thought to yourself, "why died this make me feel so good.."

A guy came over and gave you post a flyer that said,




"We should go, I mean imagine me as a square. Not pretty.."

You just laugh.

"So do you want to come with me y/n?"

"Why not Nash. Let's go"

OK so there's going to be waaaayyy more to this so if you like it then fav or comment and ya. you can also tell me if it sucks nbd

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