The After Party

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I woke up and smelt food and to a new surrounding but I didn't want to go down stairs just in case Nash's parents were down there. I sat up and saw that Nash's bed was empty and that I was totally laying in it under the covers

I continued to lay there and I felt the sheets with my hands. So soft and warm. It made me think of Nash's arms. His biceps and triceps so big and firm.

Partying all night really makes a girl tired. I expected I looked like crap, but I still didn't want to leave the room. Nash would come back soon right?


He made me breakfast? How sweet the only people who make me breakfast is me really and it's usually cereal and a banana.

I walked out of the room and down the hallway. The house was so big and I don't remember what it looked like last night it was so dark. I found the stair case and I started walking down the stairs. I got to the end when I saw Nash in the kitchen.

Nash was wearing his kaki pants from last night and no shirt. It was the sexiest thing I've seen in my life.

I was walking towards him when I started to smell bacon.

"Good morning sleepy head" he said giggling and flashing his perfect dreamy smile.

"Good morning haha.."

"Go sit down at the table I'll bring you your food. One piece or two?"

"Two of course." I went and sat at the table. Nash came shortly with bacon, eggs and a waffle.

"Smells delicious."


We say in silence for minute. Not in complete silence were eating but still no one talked.

"So where are your parents?"

"I don't know they went to a party last night too I guess they got a hotel room or something."

"That's cool. I was a little scared to get up I didn't know if they were home."

*you think to yourself*

OH MY GOD. I DIDNT FIX MY HAOR OR MY MAKEUP IYS PROBABLY ALL DOWN MY FACE I DIDNT WASH IT LAST NIGHT OH MY. maybe it's fine he hasn't said anything. would he really say something though. oh my god kill me now.

"Yeah thanks for taking me home I guess I drank a little too much last night.. And you really didn't have to sleep on the floor.. I have a queen size bed there's plenty of room for the two of us."

"Well I woke up there.."

"I moved you y/n! you looked so uncomfortable and cold."

"Well thanks. What time is it?"

"It's 9:58. Why?"

*Thinking to yourself*

Oh crap. I'm suppose to be home at 10. I don't just want to run out he made me breakfast. Awe man.

"Nash I'm sorry I'm suppose to be he by 10.. Do you think you can drive me home...?"

"Yeah no problem y/n it's the least I could do!"

"Thanks Nash.."

We walk out and Nash opens the car door for me. I politely say thank you and he flashes his perfect smile.

He runs around the car with his arms bent up high, you could see how built he was, and he got into the drivers side.

"Well you gatta tell me how to get there sweet cheeks."

"Um well get to the main road and I'll tell you from there."

He turned on some music. We say there not talking I looked out my window. He drove a jeep. It was this odd green color. The color of his car didn't matter to me I was just observing.

"Where do i go now y/n?"

"Turn left and then go straight till the first stop sign."

It was quite again. We were at the stop sign. My house was down this street but I told my parents I would be at Stephanie's. She lives one street down so I would've walked home anyway.

"Thanks for the ride home Nash but I'm going to walk the rest of the way."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I don't want to get in trouble or anything.

"Alright. I had a really nice time. We should hang out again."

"Yeah we should." he smiled and so did I. I closed the door and waved then started walking away.

*Thinking to yourself*

His bed head hair is so perfect. It's so brown and ugh. His eyes are so blue and dreamy. His lips are so plump and peach and soft and wonderful. I don't even know if that kiss meant anything though maybe it was a just in the moment type thing. Oh but is Nash my dream man.

I arrived home and my parents were in the kitchen waiting for me. My parents are those kind of parents who don't want to let go and realize that their baby is growing up. I'm a teen now but really they treat me as if I was still in elementary school.

"Hey honey how was your night?"

"Oh it was fine mom how was yours?"

"Haha y/n your dad and I just watched movies."

"Cool well I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower."

It was Sunday which means school was tomorrow and I was dreading life. I started looking through my bag and I literally couldn't find my phone anywhere and I started panicking.

"I must've left it at his house" I said quietly out loud to myself. "I'll just have to find him tomorrow.

After my shower I sat in my room and watched about a whole season of 90210 on Netflix. I heard the door bell ring. I ran down stairs and looked through the peep hole. I saw perfect brunette hair and new it was Nash.

"I GOT IT" I yelled so no one would come down stairs. I quickly opened the door went outside on the porch and closed the door. There was two chairs on my porch so I walked over and sat on one. I crossed my arms and looked up at Nash's face.

"So.. You left your phone at my house.. I thought you would want it back. You know so you could text me or whatever."

"Yeah as soon as I got home I realized it was gone thanks."

"No problem I'll see you later okay?"

"Alright." I said. I could resist to smile I got up and Me and Nash's face were right in front of each other's. Nash grabbed my hand, the one without the phone in it, reached over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then one on the hand he grabbed.

I turned red. I was basically a tomato. He giggled and then walked to his car he got in an drive away. I stood there and watched him disappear as he turned where the stop sing was he first dropped me off at. I guess he watched me walk home.

That night all I could think about was him. What's going to happen are we going to get closer? I couldn't wait to see what Monday would bring.


HEY GUYS um vote and comment. I need names of boys and girls for school so if u wanna comment your name that's cool. Also if u hate it tell me why so I can like improve my writing skills k thanks bye :)

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