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Nash left for California this morning. He stopped by my house to give me a kiss good bye. It was short but sweet he was going to be late. He said he would text me when he landed.

When Nash left and I went inside my parents were sitting at the table. The we're staring at me wanting me to sit down at the table. (( I'll just put whose talking as if they're texting but really they're all sitting at the table okay sorry for my sucky writing skills))

Mom: So that boy.. You guys seem to really like each other.

You: Yeah..

Dad: Well I think we need to meet this kid sometimes soon dontcha think?

You: Yeah I mean he just left for California but he'll be back in a few days I'm sure he'd love to meet you...

My face got really red not being able to keep it back you were blushing.


Mom: That's all honey

You: Okay. Bye now.

and scurried to your room.

*thinking to yourself*

UGH how long are plane rides like really. I JUST WANT NASJ TO TEXT MEE UGH. Maybe I'll just go on vine again.

Nash had gained soo many followers just over night. It was crazy he was basically a super star! You started to get tired and you fell asleep..............


"So honey how are the children" As nash say down at the dinning room table.

"Oh they're all upstairs doing their homework! How was work babe?"

"It was fine. Same old same old. What's for dinner?" nash walked over and hugged you from behind rubbing your legs and kissing you on the cheek.

"NASH STOP! The kids are right upstairs!" You turn around and kiss him. "We're having Chicken Alfredo."

Then you woke up to your phone buzzing. You look at it with squinty eyes and saw the name Nash. You popped straight up and read the text. It was kinda long.

Nash: Hey babe. I just want to let you know I landed fine and got my bags. I'm riding in this cab over to where cam is meeting me for linner. (lunch and dinner mixed if you don't know) So I'll text you when I get to my hotel. I love you!

He said he loved me again. Oh.

You: Yeah totally! I'll be here.. Bored. Lol. Have fun!! Tell Cameron I say hey. Be safe :)) I love you too!

That felt great to say. I love him. I love him and I love the fact that I love him. I love him, I love the fact that I love him and I LOVE saying that I love him. Love ahh. It's great.

Later on probably around 9 here Nash text me.

Nash: Hey can I call you? I want to hear you voice.

You: Sure ;)

*phone call*

"Hey babe"

"Hey Nash"

"How are you?"

"I'm good how's Cali?"

"It's good Cameron is just as funny in person!"

"That's so cool haha! Maybe I'll meet him one day? lol" Nash's voice was so sleepy and deep. It was the sexiest thing.

"Yeah maybe! Well I'm going to hit the hay I just wanted to hear your voice. I love you."

"I love you too. Talk to you tomorrow."

It was late so I layed down to go to bed. Maybe I'd continue my dream from earlier. A where Nash and I were grown up with a family so happy, so peaceful.


HEY GUYS this is short too lolz sorry buuuut I will write a really long one probably valentines?? lol um VOTE AND COMMENT and yeah you guys are awesome and yeah k ily guys. :))

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