Chapter Two

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Erien entering Brom's room did not notice the man watching in the shadows. Erien took stock of the room without realizing it, arranging the room in his mind just in case if he needed to escape unnoticed. Brom nodded in approval as he watched  Erien taking note of his surroundings, not that he needed to, since he himself had check the room and he did nothing by halves.

Once Erien was satisfied he walked to the seat that was in the darkness and settled down appearing very comfortable in the dark. Which Brom thought was strange but he didn't comment because the moment he met Erien he had notice that he was strange even stranger than elves and mages.

He was still puzzling over the fact that Erien had move so fast that the eyes of a young elf had troubled following his movement, but that was beside the point. "You have been waiting for me, young elf " said Erien. With a startled jump Brom was pulled from his thought. "How did you know what I am?" questioned Brom. "It is my job to know Brom et aquail" replied Erien than he frowned as if   searching for something important but could not recall what he was searching for.

Brom sat frozen in his chair. He has never told anyone who he was, even though he was a young elf he knew better since his avial has warned him what would happened if anyone knew who he was, but this stranger knew who he was without even trying. He also didn't seem to care, it was as if he knew or supposed to know everyone. "do not worry, your secret is safe with me" Erien told him sincerely. After a pause Erien spoke up."well? can you tell me where I am?"

" This is the land of Starrath, there are seven known species.... which are elves, drawfs, goblins, humans, naughtis, drako , and eagonian but there are many unknown creatures.

Over the night and into the day Brom proceed to tell Erien about the people of Sarrath and kingdoms. It was well into midday when Brom stop talking and all through that time Erien utter not a single word. Brom staring into the patch of darkness expected  Erien to be asleep, since he has not move the whole time he was talking was caught off guard when a pair of eyes stared back at him. A shiver went down his spine those eyes made him uneasy.

He did not know how someone could go for hours without changing position even the elves whom were know for this talent could not compete with Erien. Just for curiosity sake Brom use his second sight to see what colour arua Erien had and who he was. He was stunned when he saw that Erien did not have an arua, yet he look like the healthiest person he had encounter, instead of an arua he had a grayish shield around him.

It was impossible every living thing had an arua if they did not they would be in the netherhell since that is considered to be were the dead go when they die.

Sorry I have not written for a while. I got distracted when I notice two series of books I've not read yet and so being me I had to read them. Post any comments of things you like or dislike about The Prophecy it would be a great help if I know my readers thought. :-D

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