4. Agnes.

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I feel anxious being in a classroom full of strangers and a teacher who feels so threatening. My palms start to feel sweaty and I know I'm starting to crave something I shouldn't. My breathing starts to feel like it's going uneven and I can see the girl sitting next to me, shooting me curious looks. I try to focus on my pen, how it looks and feels so it can distract me from thinking about my addiction.

Once the bell rings, I speed outside of the classroom and I curse at Mrs. Jackson under my breath for not writing the instructions on where to find the toilets.

I feel like jumping for joy once I see the bathroom. I walk so fast that I'm not sure if I'm jogging or still walking and I lock myself into one of the stalls. I start to pull at my hair furiously and by this time, not only are my palms sweaty, but my whole body is. I breathe in and out slowly. Although I know I'm not going to find any ziplock in my bag, I rummage through all my things anyways, just in case.

I want to punch myself in the face when I realise that it's only been a week since I last took any drugs, which was only cannabis, and I can already feel myself relapsing. I hear someone bang on my stall and I feel myself jump a little from the shock.

"Who the hell is in there?! You've been there for like ten minutes and my bladder is about the explode! Can you stop taking a dump and leave?!" I hear her shout.

By the point, I'm enraged by everything in the entire school. I zip my bag up and carry it on my back. I flew the door open and stare at the girl right in the eyes. She looks very pretty and intimidating; blonde hair, long skinny legs, pink lip gloss and a killer stare.

I get so close to her that I'm trying my best not to punch her. "If you dare talk to me like again, I'm going to punch you so hard in the mouth you won't be able to talk or put on any pink lip gloss again. Understood?" I say in the most threatening voice I could pull off before leaving.

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