6. Agnes.

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At lunch, I don't know where to sit down. Everything and everyone looks so intimidating. Just to make sure I'm being healthy, mum packed me my own lunch and I'm not sure if that's going to make me look like a loser here. I decide to join two nerdy looking guys seated at the corner because nerdy guys are stereotypically nice guys.

"Excuse me, may I join you guys?" I ask them.

"The seat's all yours." One of them tell me.

I sit next to the ginger who wears a checkered green and yellow button up shirt with white skinny jeans and across from him, there's a raven haired guy who looks too skinny and has way too many freckles for anyone to count. "I'm Agnes." I tell them.

"Welcome to Jefferson, Agnes. I'm Dylan." Says the boy with way too many freckles.

"And I'm James." Says the ginger.

"This may sound like the most awkward thing ever but are you guys... Nice?" I ask them, trying not to sound like a helpless loser.

This makes Dylan laugh and shake his head, "I guess you can say so. Have you ran into too many mean people?" He asks me.

"Just two. And they're the only two students I've talked to before I ran into you guys." I tell them.

"There's a lot of nice people here, they just stay quiet." James shrugs, "Want a cookie?" He offers me some cookies which are packed in his bag.

I shake my head nicely, "I've got my own packed lunch, thanks though." I tell him before taking a bit of my mum's homemade pasta.

"Where did you transfer from?" James asks me.

"New York. The concrete jungle where dreams are made of." I tell him, smiling.

"New York to Helenston? What a shitty change. I feel for you, Agnes. I've lived here all my life and if I ever got the chance to move out, I wouldn't even think twice before saying yes." Dylan tells me with a look of pity in his eyes.

They don't ask me why I decided to move which I'm thankful for. I ended up spending my whole lunch period with them and they offered to be my official lunch crew if I wanted to hang with them, which I agreed to. It's probably not going to go so well with my reputation but by this point, my reputation is the last thing I care about. Besides, I'm only going to be spending one year in this shit-show before I kiss Helenston and the whole state of Indiana goodbye.

Dylan, James and I compare timetables and I find out I have a few classes with the both of them but none with us three together. They even offer to let me come over to Dylan's place so I could play a few video games with them but if I know my mum as well as I do, there's no chance. So I kindly reject and tell them I might come next time.

We walk through the halls of the school and they explain an easier way to get from class to class. They do much better than Mrs. Jackson and make me feel more welcoming than her that I wonder how things would be like if Dylan and James get to be the guidance counsellors instead.

"We never go to the basketball court of the football pitch. If you want to get beaten up and tormented, those are the two best places to go. Unless you play sports or do cheerleading, then you'll fit in. Speaking of the two, do you do any of the two?" James asks me as we walk together to my locker.

"I used to do soccer but I fell out of sports a long time ago." I tell them. Please don't ask me why. Please don't ask me why. Please don't ask me why.

"How come?" James asks and I want to scream in frustration but I just smile and reply, "I just didn't feel like it anymore." 

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