14. Agnes.

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At lunch, I'm seated with James and Dylan at the lunch table found at the very corner of the cafeteria. My mum made me a salad for my packed lunch which I'm not interested in eating at all but I just deal with it anyways.

"Guys, the weirdest thing happened to me in history class today." James tells us with his mouth full of spaghetti.

"James, when are you going to learn how to not chew and talk at the same time?" Dylan complains. He lifts his fork with his spaghetti around it into his mouth before spitting it out dramatically. He grimaces at the food and pushes his plate away from him. "How are you even eating that crap, James? Jefferson High's food sucks."

"You can have some of my salad. I can't promise that my mum's salad-making is the best, though." I tell him but he shrugs and helps me finish the salad.

"Oh, much better. Not great, but much much better." Dylan tells me with a satisfied look on his face.

James rolls his eyes at us and swallows his food. "Anyways, as I was saying, the weirdest thing happened to me in history class today."

"Enlighten me with your story." Dylan says.

"Alright. So, I was sitting at the back of the classroom, minding my own business and stuff. Suddenly, Gale Ford, The Gale Ford, takes the empty seat next to me and starts talking to me. He even asks what my name is and starts introducing himself." James says, his eyes wide.

Dylan stares at him back with the same expression. I've never seen Dylan and James so surprised about something that doesn't include video games.

"Who's Gale Ford? Is he some celebrity that secretly resides in Helenston and I've somehow never heard of him before?" I ask, looking at both of them with confusion.

"Right, you're new. Gale Ford is the most popular kid here. It doesn't take a scientist to tell Dylan and I are the biggest losers of Jefferson High. He's the kid over there." James tells me, nodding his head to the table at the centre of the cafeteria.

They all occupy the biggest table of the entire cafeteria. It's right at the centre where they belong because all eyes are on them. Everyone at their table is either wearing varsity jackets or cheerleading uniforms. They're all laughing so hard about something and looking at them, even though I have no interest in popularity, makes me wish I could be one of them. They all looks so carefree and happy.

I see the girl who poured her milkshake all over me in a cheerleading uniform, her arms draped all over the guy who was staring at me as I got out of my mum's truck earlier this morning. They both look like magnets, drawn to each other.

"Gale Ford is the one with Kelly Sire." Dylan tells me, as if I'm supposed to know who Kelly Sire is supposed to be in the first place.

"Dylan, for crying out loud. If she doesn't know who Gale Ford is, she definitely doesn't know Kelly Sire. Kelly Sire is the one with the blonde hair in pigtails." James explains. That's when I realise the milkshake girl is Kelly Sire and Gale Ford was the one staring at me this morning.

I can admit that Gale Ford is very attractive and that's probably why he's the most popular kid in the entire school. He does look very fit and he's obviously a football player so he has to be athletic, therefore earning him more popularity points. As good looking as he is and as happy as they all look, I have no interest in their posse.

"What's the big deal with Ford anyways?" I ask, using his last name because it makes me sound like I'm superior than him.

"He's the most popular kid in the entire school, I told you." James tells me, with a 'duh' look on his face.

"Yeah but aside from popularity, why is something other than video games exciting you?" I ask them both.

This makes Dylan laugh and shake his head. "We're not excited, Agnes. We're in shock and confusion. People like them only talk to people like us when they want something." 

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