2. Agnes.

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Moving to Indiana sucks. Being away from my friends in New York sucks. Having my parents... It doesn't suck but being misunderstood by them sucks. Life sucks. I guess everyone can agree that Agnes Mass sucks, too.

"I don't get why you have to drive me when I have my own driver's license and car." I tell her in the rudest tone I could muster.

"We've gone over this a thousand times, Agnes. No, no, and no. I don't trust you to go off by yourself anymore so as long as you can prove that your improving, I'm not giving you those luxuries back." She says and the car falls into an awkward silence.

I close my eyes and lean my head back, imagining how great it would be if I could be back in New York. I'd be driving my own black and ugly Honda CRV, on the way to pick up Jessica. Not anymore. That life is gone.

"Here you are, Agnes." My mum says before halting in front of Jefferson High, my new high school. It's probably every teenager's nightmare to walk into school being "the new kid", especially when it's senior year.

I don't say anything to my mum, I grab my backpack and shut the door behind me before walking through the new halls of my high school. I'm not sure if everyone just knows everyone here but they all look at me awkwardly, like they know I don't belong.

I ignore the stares and try to find the school counsellor's office. After about ten minutes of hopelessly wandering around the halls of my new school, I ask the first person I think has the kindest face and I ask, "Do you know where the counsellor's office is?" I ask.

"School hasn't even started yet and the new kid needs counselling?" The raven-haired girl I assumed had a "kind" face tells me in one of the rudest tones I've ever heard and walks away.

I groan in frustration before wandering some more. I come across a huge brown door with opaque windows. The name 'Mrs. Jackson. Guidance counsellor.' is written on a plaque outside the door. I knock on the door and slowly open it to reveal a red-headed woman sitting behind a wooden desk.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" She asks.

"Hello. My names is Agnes Mass. I was instructed to see you for my timetable and locker number? I'm the new kid." I tell her, smiling softly.

"Right! Agnes! How are you finding the school so far?" She makes small talk whilst looking through different folders on her desk.

"It's alright. I haven't seen much yet." I tell her.

"Well, I hope you like it. My door's always open." She smiles gently and she has the kind of smile that makes you feel like you can tell her everything. It's because she's a guidance counsellor, I tell myself. She hands me a folder and I grab it before saying thank you and exiting her office.

I open the folder to find my locker number, its combination code, and my timetable. There's even a list with instructions on where to find each class and my locker. I follow each instruction that tells me where I can find my locker. In no time, I find my it in the sea of blue lockers.

I fidget with the numbers, making sure I get the number 4742 in the right position before opening it. I check my timetable to see: Science, math, and technology class. I place the books I wouldn't need inside my locker. I close my locker and clutch onto my folder with the instructions like it's the most precious thing I have. I keep walking until I find myself in front of class M1, Mathematics Room 1. 

The Funny Tale Of Agnes And GaleWhere stories live. Discover now