Chapter 3. Bronx and Sydney

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Thank you to Cuddlepuff3 for the idea that inspired me to write this, much love x.

Chapter 3

“Cookie Dough Ice Cream coming right up” smiled Reece as we shrugged off our coats and headed into the kitchen

I took his coat off the lounge and hung them on the hooks on the wall

It was March, the days were hot and the nights were cold as we slowly settled into autumn

“Extra ice cream please” I sighed flopping down onto the arm chair and closing my eyes

“Did you have fun tonight?” asked Reece as I heard him shuffle around in the kitchen

“It was alright”

“Abbey showed me the card from your parents”

I groaned

“Not impressed?”


There was a knock on the door

“Don’t answer it” I hissed “I’m not in the mood”

Reece laughed and continued shuffling around in the kitchen

The knocking continued

“Damn it, why can’t people go away” I groaned standing from my chair and glaring at the door

“Quinn” called a boyish voice from the outside making my eyes widened “Quinn, are you home?”

I walked quietly to the door, peaking through the peep hole, coming face to face with a large green eye staring back at me

I screamed and jumped back

He laughed, his accent ringing through in his next words “Come on Sydney Girl open the door”

I opened the heavy cream door and stared at the boy in front of me

He was leaning against the door frame on a slightly lower level then me, he had on biker boots, faded blue jeans, a tight white shirt and black biker jacket over top with Bronx stitched where the pocket sometimes was on his many jackets

His black hair tipped with cherry red was windswept and hat-haired at the same time and I already knew he had ridden his precious Harley over here and it wasn’t just the black helmet in his hand that gave it away

The way his pink lips turned up in a smile

The way his green eyes twinkled with adrenaline and excitement

The way the pale skin of his cheeks tinted pink from the cool wind sweeping under the crack of his helmet and touching the hot skin beneath

All of these things told me he had just stepped over his Harley

I knew him to well

“Hello there, Baby” he winked “Took you a while to open the door”

“I was considering leaving you out here” I paused “Still am”

 “That’s no way to treat an old friend” He grinned at me “Especially an old friend who stepped on a plane just see you turn 18”

“You’re rhyming again”

“Am I?”

“You are”

He smirked “Jealous of my poetic abilities are we Sydney?”

“Not in a million years would I be jealous of you Bronx”

He shrugged “I can dream”

I smiled and stepped aside “Come in before I change my mind”

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