Chapter 16. Snow White and the Sexy Seven Dwarves

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IMPORTANT! There is a challenge note at the end of this chapter, make sure you read it x


Chapter 16

1 hour before

Reece’s POV

“Reece!” screamed Dion throwing down his bag in the middle of the airport and wrapping his arms around me.

I laughed and hugged him back “God, you’re such a sap”

“I am not” he squealed, letting go of me “Connor, Reece called me a sap”

Connor looked between the both of us with his constant, neutral expression and shrugged before giving me a quick hug and throwing his bag over his shoulder “Hi Reece”

“Hi Connor” I smiled as another 3 boys pooled around us.

“Reece my man!” laughed Brodon reaching over to hug me and hitting me with his bag in the process.

“How are you?” he asked pulling away with a grin

“I’m alright”

“That usually means, something’s wrong” said Mitch pulling me into a hug after Brodon.

“It’s nothing”

“Tell us” said Bradley, whacking my arm “Were mates, what did your girl kick you out of something?”

The boys laughed and I scratched my neck awkwardly.

“She didn’t kick you out did she?” whispered Connor by my side as we walked out of the airport towards the van I had borrowed from Liam to pick the boys up.

“No, nothing like that”

“But it does involve her-“he paused “Quinn”

“Yeah, she’s at home resting up”

“What happened?” asked Mitch, butting in next to Brad to walk beside me

“She had a little bit of an accident”

The boys piled their bags into the back and all jumped into the car, with me behind the wheel before anyone spoke again. This time is was Dion from the back.

“So what happened to Quinn?”

I sighed “She just had an accident”

“That’s not what they’ve been saying on Twitter” muttered Mitch

“Okay, so it was a big accident”

This set them off, words flew from all directions and landed at my ears but they were to loud and to fast to separate so I turned around to all of them and screamed “Hey”

It all went quiet.

“Quinn was in a motorbike accident” I said slowly, watching all their faces change from confusion to shock and worry “She has a broken arm, 3 cracked ribs, 5 stitches in her collar bone where she got sliced by some wire and she had a concussion so there taking it very seriously for the next few days”

“How did she go that?” whispered Connor

“She swerved on her bike, turned to late hit a wall and lost a lot of blood”

“She’s going to be okay right?”

I nodded and the boys visibly relaxed

“She’s going to perfect in about a month, the cast comes off in 3 weeks an her ribs should be healed by June”

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