Chapter 26. City and Stars

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  • Dedicated to 4 DAYS and COUNTING -

Chapter 26

It was our last night. Tomorrow we were getting married. All of our friends were around, drinking and laughing – we were having a good time - Until he came around.

“Hey Quinn” whispered Brooklyn “Can I talk to you?”

“Sure Brookes” I smiled, pulling myself away from the crowd and following Brooklyn as he lead me out into the stairwell of our building.

Brooklyn backed me up against the opposite wall and frowned at me “Don’t do this”

“Don’t do what?” I replied, genuinely confused as to where he was going with this. Brooklyn was usually so straight forward and cheeky, this side of him had me confused and slightly scared.

“Don’t do this” he said again “Don’t marry him”

I sighed “Brooklyn we spoke about this-“

“We spoke about me being in love with you nothing else” he said lowly “I love you-“

“And I love Reece!” I countered “And backing me up against a wall and asking me not to isn’t going to change my mind, it’s not that easy Brooklyn”

“If you had to choose between us-“

“Reece” I said before he could finish “I’d choose Reece”

He looked sad “Oh”

I sighed “Brooklyn you’re my best friend, I want you to still be my best friend when all this is over, but I love Reece

“How can you love him and not me?”

“It’s different” I whispered “When you left and we broke up, it was mutual, we knew that day had been coming, we were kids, we were fooling around, we even knew it wasn’t that serious” I bit my lip and twisted my ring around my finger “With Reece its-“

“Different?” he laughed “Special?”

“Yeah it is” I said honestly “Reece and I split up for about a month last year and you know what, it was the worst month of my life, I never want to live without Reece again”

Brooklyn stepped back and gave me a sarcastic smile “Because you love him”


“You’re so stupid” he whispered “You’re 18 and you’re getting married to a guy you barely know”

“I know Reece” I hissed “Who I don’t really know is you, I’ve never seen you so hateful Brooklyn, when did you turn into this

“When the girl I loved broke my heart” he yelled “When you told me it was over just as I went to get on that fucking plane”

I shook my head “That wasn’t what I meant Brooklyn, you already knew it was over, you asked  me to tell you, you told me to end it, you said we wouldn’t work, you said it would be too hard and that the way we were we would either break each other and cheat on each other, you said we were kids who had nothing and everything going for them at the same time.”

He shook his head “I lied”

“Well I’m not a mind reader Brooklyn” I screamed “It fucking killed me to break up with you but it was for the best, you said so yourself”

“I love you, I never wanted to end us, you just looked so worried about us, I did it for you”

“Good” I sighed “If you did it for me why aren’t you letting me move on”

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