Chapter 1

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Jill's POV

I grunted and shoved my head deeper under my pillows as my alarm assaulted my ears. I didn't remember setting it on so it probably was the work of my very responsible twin brother, Jack.

"Come on Jill! Time to wake up or you'll be walking to school." My brother shouted from my door. Unlike typical sibling relationships, my twin and I knew our boundaries and knew how to respect each other's privacy. That's why we loved each other very much.

Jack and Jill. We also didn't know what's on our parent's mind when they named us after the famous Nursery Rhyme... they just shrugged and giggled like crazy teen agers whenever we brought up the topic, therefore my brother and I just conceded in defeat.

Speaking of my brother... I really have to get up now and get ready for school because as much as he loved me... he hated being late and I knew for sure that he will leave me behind.

I sighed as I proceed to the bathroom which was part of my room... so convenient... thank goodness my father's a genius architect whom predicted the convenience of having your own bathroom in your room. Our house was consisted of four bedroom, two offices and four bathroom. The three bedrooms, mine, my twin and my parents were all the second floor. Both offices were also at the second floor. The other bedroom was located at the first floor which was used by guest. Of course there's a living room, dining room, kitchen and common bathroom also.

After shower, I put on a dark skinny jeans, paired with blue tank top under my hoodie. I may be a girl but I really hated wearing skirts or dress... But I do wear them on occasions... like when a distant relative of ours got married and they got me as one of the bridesmaid.

I jogged down to the kitchen and saw my twin had already started his breakfast as my mother whom was a doctor was busy fixing my father's tie. I always wonder why that in his years of working and wearing a suit... he never learned how to fix his tie.

"Morning Mom! Dad! Bro! I greeted them as I took my place in the table." I looked at my plate and was delighted to see my favorite which were bacon and eggs. And as an added bonus... a new jar or mayo was placed in front of me. I eagerly scooped two spoonfuls of mayo and placed it over my eggs.

"Ewww... " I heard my brother grunted in disgust. He never understood my fascination with mayo. "I really can't understand why you need to overload everything with mayo. You're lucky it hasn't clogged your arteries yet." My brother added. He doesn't hate mayo but hated the fact that I put mayo in every food.

"Well... I run a lot... therefore these gooey substance will get burned even before the lunch bell rang." Even though I eat a lot... my figure was as good as a runway model since I play a lot of sports... Although no one really noticed since I always wore baggy clothes.

"Yeah... yeah... fine... hurry up so we can leave..." I nodded and proceed to finish my breakfast.

"See you later sis!" I smiled at my brother as we went out separate ways. Even though we were twins... we don't share classes much. I went North and he went East... I believe his first period's math... mine was english.

I went straight to the lockers to get and put away my stuff when I saw my best friend Mia. "Hey girl! How's your summer!" My BFF asked... We usually hang out during summer but this year, she had to go visit her father in France which was so unexpected since she's been estranged with her father for years.

"Boring as hell... " I sighed. I did go out but it's not fun without my BFF.

"Aw... So sad..." She said in sad mocking tone. I grunted in response. "I can't wait to tell you all my adventures in france!" She squealed in delight. I'm really happy for her but now's not a good time since the bell for first period just rang.

We both sat at the middle of the room. I hated sitting at front because sometimes the teacher's spit can reach you... ewww gross... and I also hated sitting at the back because I tend to fall asleep. Middle was good. I can concentrate more.

Our teacher Mr.Parker entered the room but he was not alone. With him in tow was a girl with wavy chestnut blonde hair. Her hair shined like gold threads as it danced with the wind. She has a perfect jawline and perfect round nose. Her lips were as red as apples and her skin as white as snow. If I'm Jill from the famous nursery rhyme... then she was snow white.

As I discreetly checked her features upward... I can't help but notice that no matter how deep her blue eyes were... there were no sparkle in them... as if she was in a different plane than us. Her eyes showed no signs of emotions yet I felt my heart beat faster than normal.

I don't really understand what was happening to me... it's the first time that I felt this way. It seemed the transfer student and I got a connection but I can't place my fingers on it. I felt something warm on my face... I felt my chest tightens... I felt like the world around me would collapse when her eyes met mine for the first time.

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