Chapter 11

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Jill's POV

When I regained consciousness, my body felt better. I wonder how long was I out? I took a deep breath and noticed that it wasn't as hard as before. I eyes were still heavy but I think I can open them.

It wasn't my first time to be in this condition. Actually, I'm quite familiar of these feelings. I'm not a masochist, but the feeling of pain made me remember that I'm still alive.

I was about to move my hand but it felt heavy and warm. Someone had used my hand as a pillow. I chuckle at the thought as I remember the old days. Between Jack and I, it was me who always got in trouble. Jack preferred books but I preferred toys. And every time I was sent to hospital, he always fell asleep besides me. I'm very lucky to have such a sweet and caring brother. I should remind myself to cook him something special.

The first time that I was sent to the hospital was when I was 10 . I fell from our tree. Jack as usual was reading a book that was not intended for children our age. I'm not dumb but I'm not as smart as Jack. And I really don't enjoy reading back then... well I still don't enjoy it until now. Anyways, I got bored watching tv and Jack doesn't want to play. I saw a bird's nest from the tree and got curious if it got eggs inside or little birds because it was just our topic in science. My curiosity then resulted in broken bones and slight concussion.

It's funny because I can't even remember how many times I gave my mother a headache. Between Jack and I, I'm the one who was always dirty. Who got bruises and bumps everywhere. I can't even remember a time that I went home from a play date that I was scratch free nor clean. Jack on the other hand was always the complete opposite of me. My mother just sighed while my father just laugh. Even our relatives used to joke that we got switched bodies. It's not like Jack act as a girl... but he's just too soft and polite.

The incident with Sam was also not the first for me. I remembered helping a little girl back then. It was a nice Sunday afternoon and my family went on a picnic in a nearby park. Jack... as usual preferred to read on the swing. My father and mother was enjoying their sweet and precious time together on the blanket leaving me to play by myself. I went to the sand box to build a castle but when I got close, I heard someone sobbing. Then, I saw two big boys towering a girl. I got a little closer and saw that the boys were bullying the poor girl. Those bullies were stomping on whatever the girl built. One of them was going to hurt the girl so I ran in between them. I remember throwing the first punch but hey... it's two boys against one... so obviously I lost. I woke up in the hospital with a lot of bruises and bumps. My elbow was broken and was in a cast. But even though my small body hurts so much... the good thing was that the girl I saved became my best friend. It was Mia.

Going back to reality... even though I'm hurting anywhere, it was all worth it. Sam was all worth it. I just met her yesterday and I already felt strong connections towards her. All hell shall broke loose before something happens to Sam under my watch.

Without much effort, I managed to open my eyes. It was still dark. I looked at the window side and saw some light. It must have been dawn. I then looked at the head that besides me and was surprised to see blonde hair. It was then I realized that it was Sam and not Jack.

What is she doing here? I asked myself. Aren't she supposed to be resting. And how on earth my mother allowed her to stay. Scratch that! How on earth has she managed to convince Jack.

My sudden movement must have awoken Sam because the next thing I knew, I was staring directly at her deep blue eyes.

I saw the concern and relief in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but no voice came. "I'm okay." I told her as an anticipation to what she wanted to say. "Go back to sleep. It's still early." I smiled at her and closed my eyes. I felt exhausted after. Maybe I needed more rest.

Knowing that Sam was there made me smile. Seeing Sam cared made heart fluttered and for the first time in my life, I felt butterfly in my stomach. Now I knew what love feels like. I just hope and pray that when I wake up, she will still be there... holding my hands tight.

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