Chapter 13

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Jill's POV

I regained consciousness for the third time in the hospital and this time I felt completely great. First, the pain's almost gone. Second, I can breath better without my chest hurting. And Last but not the least, I knew that Sam stayed with me through the night.

Small voices was the first I noticed therefore I decided to act asleep. I wonder what they were talking about. I can surely used it against them! Ha! I'm so evil!

"So what's with you and Anne?" Mia asked. Hmmm... Anne... I'm not familiar with her.

"Nothing!" Nica replied. "We just went out for a couple of coffee last summer and that was it." That was so likely Nica. She was really kind of a player.

"That's it? Hmmm... on what I heard... it's more than that." Mia said in a teasing voice.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Wow! Mia? jealous? Wait! Were my two best friends dating behind my back? Omg! These two!

"Why would I be?" Mia retorted but I can feel angst on her voice. Hmmmm...

"Anyways... I don't know what you heard but there's nothing going on. So tell me about that french model!" Nica asked. She tried to sound excited but I can also feel pain in her voice.

"Oh... her name's Marie! She's a student and part time model." Mia paused. "But I think I'll tell you the details once Jill woke up. I'm too lazy to repeat.

"Fine... whatever." Something's fishy with this two. I better get to the bottom of it. I then smirked.

"Anyways, when do you think she'll wake up?" I think I won't be able to scoop some juicy information from them so I rather open my eyes to ease their mind and spare them the agony.

I felt warmth on my hands massaging my palm and instantly though of Sam. Opening my eyes were much more difficult than expected due to the bright light. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the surroundings.

"Oh my goodness! She's awake!" Nica squealed in joy.

"Hey! How are you?" Mia said and I instantly missed the warm hands. When I looked around, I found no Sam.

"Where's Sam?" Was the first sentenced that I said. Not 'what happened', 'it hurts', or 'where's mom'. I was also surprised that the first person I asked was Sam. "Where's Sam?" I repeated. They must have been shocked too.

"Hello to you too!" Mia said sarcastically.

"Where's Sam? Really Jill??? No Hi or Hello?" Nica added. "I'm so disappointed. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" She added playfully.

"Where's Sam? Is she okay?" I asked again. This time with much conviction. I tried to sit up but failed. It seemed I hadn't recovered half my strength yet.

"Easy tiger!" Mia then assisted me to sit. "Sam's Ok. You don't need to worry about her. You manage to protect her." Mia paused and looked at Nica. "Can you tell Aunt Julie that our hero woke up?" Nica nodded and exited the room. "She was literally dragged home my Jack as she stayed with you the whole time. She looked liked hell so she was sent to rest."

The door then opened and my mother entered followed by Mia. "Hey! How are you feeling dear?"

"I'm good mom." I then bowed down to hide my embarrassment. "I'm so sorry for worrying you and dad."

"It's okay dear. You're safe and you just did what you think was best. But I hope you don't make saving someone a hobby." My mother said. Her voice was full of concern and love.

"When can I leave?"

"We shall run some more test and if the results were okay then I think I can discharge you by tomorrow." Yahoo! I mentally did a happy dance!

Mia, Nica and I chatted after my mother completed her check on me. She then left and promised to return after her rounds.

"... Marie and I decided to be just friends since we both don't believe in LDR" Mia said as she finished her summer in paris love story. Mia was about to continue when we heard a knock on the door. "Please come in."

My mother, followed by two women in suits entered the room. "Hi! I'm Special Agent Todd and this is my partner Special Agent Carmichael. We are from the FBI." She then held her hands for me which I shook in return. "We are here to investigate a possible kidnapping and rape. We already talked to you mother and she gave us permission to get your statement." I nodded as she explained the situation. "We have already talked to Sam and she has given her statement."

"Sam talked?" I asked, interrupting her. I knew it was rude to interrupt when someone's speaking but I can't help myself. "Sorry..." I then lowered my head in embarrassment.

"It's okay sweetie." Agent Todd said. She had a brunette shoulder length hair. "To answer your question, No, she didn't speak. She wrote her statement."

"Oh... okay... so how do I start."

"Actually, Sam did more that wrote a statement, she was able to draw the faces of the culprits." Agent Carmichael who had her black hair tied into a pony gave me pieces of papers. "Here, can you identify those faces?"

I took the papers and looked at the sketches. It was very detailed. Sam's a genius! I thoroughly scanned all of them and positively ID'd the three, but the fourth one... a clean cut guy with the glasses was not familiar. Then I realized that he must be the fourth guy. The one who sucker punched me. That bastard! I'm gonna make him pay! "These three were the on I fought." I gave them back the picture. "And this one I can't say but, there were only three of them from the start but a fourth person sucker punched me. It must be him." My voice was full of anger.

"Sam said the same thing. He was the one who sucker punched you." Agent Todd said.

"May I ask something?" I asked them.

"Sure sweetie."

"Why is the FBI investigating this case? Aren't the local police should be handling this?" I think I watched too many crime drama.

"Yes you are right. However, this case is special and we are here to assist. When the local police investigated the site, there were droplets of blood. You must have given them quite a beating."

"Damm right!" I said with confidence.

"Language!" Ooops! Forgot my mom's here.

"Sorry..." I uttered.

"That's okay." Agent Todd assured me. "Anyways, when they ran the DNA, we were alerted. Those groups were wanted in five states for kidnapping, rape and murder."

My eyes widen, mouth agape as I listened to her explain. I just realized that those men were brutal and really dangerous. "Oh my goodness! Sam..."

"Yes, she's lucky dear, if it weren't for you then she might have been a cold body right now."

"And if my brother hadn't came... then we were both be dead bodies by now."

"Yes." I sighed and hid my face behind my palm. Sam and I just escaped death. And it made me realized that life's short and no matter what this thing I'm feeling, I'm going to make sure to act on it.

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