Chapter 10

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Sam's POV

When I saw Jill's blood, I panicked. But I remember that everyone was doing their best to handle the situation well.

Nica had beaten several red lights. I just hoped she didn't caused any trouble.

Jack on the other hand was talking to the phone. "She's unconscious mom... we're on our way." Their mother mist have been working on the hospital. Great! I least I knew that Jill's going to be in great hands. I don't really trust hospital... after what happened to me. I knew I shouldn't really blame them... but I couldn't. Stupid me.

I then reached for Jack after he ended the call. "What?" His voice were not as calm as before. Reality must have sunk in by now.

When he turned around, I showed him my bloody hands. He then looked at his shirt and saw blood. "Shit!" He then took his shirt off and gave to me. "Here! Put pressure on her wound!" He ordered. "Nica! Please step it up!"

"On it!" Nica replied. She was already going fast but then she managed to sped up a little more.

When we reached the hospital, there's a woman phasing outside with a gurney. She looked like an older version of Jill so she must be their mother. And by the clothes she's wearing, she must be a doctor.

"Mom!" Jack then went out of the car and opened the back door. He carefully lifted Jill and placed her in a gurney. Several other nurses approached us and pushed/pulled Jill in.

Jack stopped me as I tried to follow them. "You can't go in there. Don't worry she's in good hands." He assured me.

We then went to find our way to the waiting room when I felt pain on my ribs. I totally forgot that I was kicked there. I stopped and held on my ribs for support. Jack noticed me and also stopped. "You're hurt! Come on! I'll take you to the ER to be checked out." He then held me for support.

The nurse just finished patching stomach area due to two broken ribs. I have no idea that I was kicked that hard. It had been also struggle trying to communicate with the nurse in order to get necessary information. I was very thankful that Jack was with me.

Jack then received an SMS from Nica stating that Jill was out of danger and was brought to recovery room. We thanked the nurse and proceed to journey towards Jill.

Mia and Pete was outside the room together with Nica when we arrived. The lounges towards us as soon as they saw us. Mia and Nica engulfed me in a comforting hug and Pete just gave Jack a brotherly tap.

"How's she?" Jack asked.

"We don't know yet but Aunt Julie's inside. She should be coming out soon." And as soon as Nica completed her sentence, the door swung opened and Dr. Jerkins went out followed by several nurses.

"Mom!" Jack embraced her mother. "How is she?"

Dr. Jerkins took a deep breath and sigh. "She'll live." By the sound of her voice, it seemed like this was not unusual. "She had two broken ribs to the right side and three on the left side. Luckily, none punctured her lungs nor any other organs." She paused a little then spoke again. "Her nose was broken. But we already popped it back to place." She explained while shaking her head. "However, she had a minor concussion but she's gonna be ok. She's sedated for now but she should be able to wake up later." She paused again. "I swear Jack... your twin must have a hobby of breaking all her bones! She had broken more bones than any of you or your cousins combined! It was then that Dr. Jerkins began shredding tears. "What the hell happened!"

"Mom... hey... hey... mom..." Jack started, trying to comfort his mother. Now that Jill's out of danger, her maternal instinct must have kicked in. "Mom... you know that Jill didn't mean this to happen."

"Then tell me what happen!"

Jack sighed. I believed he also doesn't know the answer to that question. He turned to Nica and Mia and the two started to explain.

It was Nica who spoke first. "I was driving us home towards Mia's house to catch up and do our homework. When we were about to pass by the park, Jill suddenly yell at me to stop the car. The next thing I knew... she was out of the car."

"Before we could even react, Jill was already far from the car. We got out and ran after her. It was then that we saw that there's a girl being harassed by a group of men." Mia added.

"It was one against three. We wanted to help but we do not know any self defense... unlike Jill. We would just stand in her way and become a liability." Nica followed through.

"We panicked!" Both of then said. "Then Mia told me to call Jack. While she calls Pete. We were lucky because both Jack and Pete was in the area." It was Mia who completed the story. "I realized that we should have called 911 but my brain froze." She then bowed her head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry Aunt Julie!"

"I'm sorry too... I should have also called 911. If it weren't for my poor judgement then... then... " Both girls were now bowing and crying. I felt ashamed. It was me that should be embarrassed. If it wasn't for me... then Jill wouldn't be in this situation.

"It's no one's fault girls." Dr. Jerkins said.

I then joined Mia and Nica and bowed my head. I then took out my phone and wrote in the notepad that it was my fault. Dr. Jerkins was about to contest but I beat her to it. I then typed what happened and let her read it while I bowed again.

What happened next was something that I didn't expect. Instead of being angry, she hugged me and whispered these kind words. "It's not your fault either dear."

We were all allowed to go inside. We stayed silent for a moment and then they began some random chat. I held Jill's hands and never let go.

After an hour or two, Dr. Jerkins returned to check on Jill. We were then ordered to go back home and rest. It was just the beginning of school year and so many things had already happened.

Jack gave me a little time to be with Jill after the others left the room. I wanted to talk to her. To tell her to wake up. But all I can do was hold her hands.

I squeezed them tightly as I remembered the day that my parents were taken away from me. My father was killed and my mother had a heart attack upon witnessing my father's demise. She fell in a coma and I held her hands the whole time.

I felt warm liquid in my palms. It was then that I realized that I was crying. It had been too many years since I last cried. Too many years since I last felt this kind of strong emotions. It had been too many years that I last held someone's hand and cared for someone. It had been too many years...

I wiped my tears using my shirt. I decided to leave because I knew that Aunt Tina was waiting outside. She was informed by Mia the events that happened today. I was grateful that she let me stayed longer.

When I was ready to go... I gave her one final squeezed and started to remove my hands. However, as I was about to pull my hands away... I felt her squeezed back.

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