Chapter 14

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Sam's POV

I woke up with a puffy eyes and stiffed neck. Sleeping in this position was the worst idea ever, but for Jill, it was all worth it. I then realized that I was still holding Jill's hand. They were so soft and smooth even though she played a lot of sports and do martial arts. They were some of the stuff I learned about her yesterday from Mia and Nica.

Slowly and carefully, I stood up and removed my hands from hers. I instantly missed the warmth and contact. It felt so good to hold someone. I then remember my parents always holding my hand whenever we go to the park nor mall.

I looked at her and even with a bruised face, she looked peaceful, cute and adorable. Wow! I never adored someone like this before. Her soft snores was like a music in my ears and her gentle smile was like a magnet, attracting mine. I was so absorbed in her that my hands automatically moved to caressed the bruise near her lips which was so soft.

My moment got interrupted when the door suddenly opened. I hurriedly retracted my hands and turned around to face the person that had been my wall for quite sometime... to think that I just met him yesterday. I nodded at him to honor his presence.

"Morning Sam. How's she?" Jack asked. I wonder what's he doing here so early. Visitation time wasn't until later. It was then I realized my dream or was it a reality... that Jill woke up earlier. But I believe it's just my imagination andy exhausted body was playing with me.

"It seems she's still asleep. But mom said she should be waking up soon." I nodded again in understanding as he took a sit at the edge of the bed. He really loved his twin so much. I wish I was 't an only child. He looked at me noticed that something was bothering me, I was about to asked but he beat me to it. "You must be wondering what I'm doing here so early and visitation time was until later right?" He asked and I nodded. It was really awesome that both Jack and Jill can read me like a book even though I don't show much emotion. "Well... It's a perk of being a doctor's son." He said and smiled.

I took a seat again and felt my muscle aches everywhere. "You should go home and rest." Jack noticed my struggle. I shook my head 'no'. I wanted to be here when Jill woke up. "You need to take care of your health too and if Jill found out that you're a mess then she'll kill me." He joked. But still nodded my head 'no'. "Ok then, but you need to eat so I'm going to the cafeteria and get us something. I'm starving too." I was about to decline his offer when my own stomach betrayed me and growled. Jack laughed and left.

After a few minutes, Jack came back but he was not alone. Following him was my Aunt, his mom and two gorgeous women in suits. "Hey, here I bought you sandwiches and milk." He then handed the brown bag. I nodded my 'thanks'. I looked at my aunt for explanation as why she was here so early and who were the ladies.

"Sam, these two Agents would like to get your statement." My aunt said. Dr. Jerkins was so kind to arranged the room next door for you to talk. We don't want to disturb Jill." I nodded in understanding while examining the two women. Agents... the title echoed at the back of my head. Why were agents here? Are they feds? I guess I'll found out when I go with them.

The four of us went to the next room. Dr. Jerkins said that she would follow after checking on Jill. "Hi Sam, I'm Agent Todd and this is my partner Agent Carmichael. We are from the FBI." So I was right, they were feds. "The reason we were here was because of the guys that attacked you." She paused. I nodded at her to go on. "The local police that investigated your case ran a DNA result of the blood found at the scene. We got notified as the DNA profiles were matched to a group of men that were wanted in a lot of states." Oh my goodness. We just dealt with serious criminal here. And Jill got in trouble for it.

"Your Aunt explain us your condition. We would like for you to write a statement again. I knew you already provided your statement for the local police but this is for our own file." Agent Carmichael said while giving me a paper. "It would be also great if you can write a detailed description of your attackers. Apparently we only have their DNA's but not their faces. Then we will set you up later with an sketch artist." I nodded in understanding and began writing. When I got to the description part, I decides to just draw them. Apart from having eidetic memory, I'm also gifted in art and can drew well. This should be a great surprised for them. I wrote in a piece of scratch paper for them to leave me for a while and all of them gladly left.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Agent Todd told me as shed scanned the drawings. "It's very detailed. Thanks Sam! Saves us the trouble of having a sketch artist.

"I'll send this out for BOLO." Agent Carmichael said then left.

After recalling the events that happened yesterday, my small and weak body gave up. Good thing there was a chair nearby. Unfortunately, it didn't went unnoticed by Mia who just rounded the corner with Nica. "You better go home and rest." It's a 'no questions asked' statement but I'm willing to hold my fort.

"I'll take her home." It was Jack, My aunt was called to work while I was writing my statements. "Either you walk with me to the car or I carry you. Don't worry, Mia and Nica's gonna be here and they'll call then Jill woke up." If it weren't my surrounding spinning, then I would have fought but I guess I'm outnumbered.

I sighed in defeat and followed Jack. But not before sneaking a peak at my savior, Jill.

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