Chapter 25

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Jill's POV

It's already been a month since Sam and I started dating. We had a mixed reaction on campus. Some was happy for us and some were not. Mostly those people who had a thing for me.

One of them was Jason, the captain of the basketball team. He can't accept the fact that I chose Sam over him. He was really becoming a big jerk about it. One reason that he can't do anything about it was because he knew that I can kick his ass but I'm afraid for Sam. I don't have the power to watch her 24/7. The guys offered protection but one only needed a good timing and opportunity.

My parents took the news quite well. My mother already knew that I was a lesbian before I even knew it. She said that it's mother's instinct. My father was okay with it as long as I'm happy. Jack already gave me his blessings before so there's no problem with him. He's very supportive of us.

Sam's aunt who was kind of traditional and old maid took quite a while before she accepted the change in our relationship. In the end as long as Sam's happy then she's ok with it. She also told me that she had never seen her smile or shown emotions for years since the tragic incident that robbed Sam's life. And I vowed to myself to do anything just to keep her smile.

"So you're birthday's next week. What's your plan?" Mia asked. We were at the cafeteria eating lunch. The whole gang was present and currently sharing a box of pizza.

"I'm not sure." I said. I'm not really a party type of girl so I think I'd like for it to be simple.

"Girl! You're turning 18! It's not just any age. You will become an official adult!" Nica replied. As fas as I know, these two just want a valid excuse for a party.

"Not really sure... Jack!" I called my brother.

"Yes sis?"

"So what's the plan for the big day?" I asked him.

"Don't know." He said with a shrugged. We really were twins. We both liked simple things.

"Oh you two are such a bore!" Mia said. "So Sam..." She then looked at Sam who was about to bite her pizza. She paused mid way to look at her. She's really so cute. "Since your girlfriend doesn't really care about her big day...." She pointed at me. "And her twin..." She pointed at Jack. "Doesn't bother either... so then do you have a plan?"

I saw Sam got confused. She might not be used on these kind of things. She then looked at me and her eyes pleaded for help. "Okay guys..." I saw Sam smile at my rescue. "I'll think of something then I'll let you know." I then warned both Nica and Mia. "Don't pressure her ok? She's not used to this." They nodded in understanding.

The afternoon classes went smooth. Sam was at the bleacher watching me practice basketball. Good thing my injuries didn't affect my skills since the league will be starting next month.

Since the first time that I saw her, she changed a lot. There was now a little bit sparkle in her eyes. She smiles a lot and even giggle silently. She was not the same lonely and emotionless girl and I was glad to be part of her change.

I already told her the three magic words. She did too but without a voice. She let me read her lips however, I still longed for the day to hear those three magic words.

At last, practice was over and it was time to go home. We usually catch a ride with Jack or Nica but during fridays, we decided to walk. It was a good form if exercise for Sam and it's a way for us to spend longer time with each other.

The walk to our houses was quite long... around 30 to 45 mins walk. It was quiet early and there's still a lot of people so it was not so dangerous. Besides the four criminals that attacked us was captured in another state a while back... all thanks to Sam's sketch.

The deafening walk was actually peaceful. Most of the people we encounter were talking while walking and since Sam still can't talk, we just held hands and enjoy the quiet walk. Some times I placed my arms on her waist as she snuggle at my shoulder. It was both sweet and cute. The sounds of the horns and chattering of people was music to our ears.

As we about to pass a toy store... a ball bounced in front of us. The ball went to the street and I saw a little boy went after it. Just as the boy picked up the ball, a fast moving car was arriving. It will surely hit the boy. Without thinking, I jump into the street and managed to throw the boy back to the side way. However, it was too late for me.

The next thing I knew... I was lying flat on my back and can't feel anything. I coughed and blood came out from my mouth. Everything's a blur and I heard screams and yell.

"Somebody call an ambulance..." I managed to understand.

My eyes were heavy and my whole body was numb. I can't barely see anymore because the blood had covered my face. I can clearly smell the iron from my own blood.

As I was about to close my eyes, the face of an angel came into my sight. She was trying to say something but I can't hear anymore. Nothing's registering anymore.

And as I succumb to darkness... I heard a very angelic voice. "Don't die Jill. I love you so much."

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