Chapter 18

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Sam's POV

The whole ride to the amusement park felt very awkward. I was so excited when the van halted in front of our house. I can't explain the feeling. It was something I never felt before. My heart won't stop beating at an incredible abnormal rate. It was just like running in a marathon.

I was expecting Jill the moment the van stopped, but I was surprised when Jack alighted from the front seat and opened the door for me. There was something off with him. His smile was stretched to his ears and his white tooth was as bright as the cloud. He might be able to land a tooth paste commercial if he wanted. Also his looks was different. I have only knew him for a week but I knew how to read people and he screamed different.

Jill on the other hand was also different. She seemed tense. She did offer me one of her great smile and so I did the same. The kind of smile that was solely for Jill. She then moved to the window side and I sat beside her.

We then fetched Mia and Nica whom were waiting a block away. They went in and sat at the last row of the van. "All set! Let's go!" Pete yelled and the girls as well as Jack yelled back. "Ayt"

Nica and Mia was busy with their phones. Knowing Nica, she must have been playing online games again and Mia must have been texting her boy/girl friends. Pete was of course busy driving. He was so focused on the road. Jill was as quiet as Basenji. She was just staring at the view outside and sometimes at the the front. Jack on the other hand was restless at his seat. He kept on moving, sighing and looking at the rear view mirror. I knew because I saw him when I looked at it. The amusement park was just an hour away... another half with traffic. We were only on the van for the couple of minutes but it already seemed forever.

At long last! After an eternity of awkwardness, we arrived at out destination. It was quite a big amusement park. I can very much see how high the Ferris Wheel is and how large the roller coaster is!

I have never felt this excited before even though this isn't the first time that I'll be in such place. I remembered going here with my parents. We always go to the amusement park even if there's no occasion. And at that thought, I felt my heart crushed.

I was just barely five years old when my parents took me to the amusement park for the first time. Dad just got promoted and so we came there to celebrate. It was just a small amusement park that was near or town. But it had all the basic rides to fulfill a child's fantasy. I was riding my father's neck all the time that we searched for a ride. He never got tired... not a single moment even if mother asked me to come down. They were the best parents that a child can ask for.

"Hey... You okay?" It was Jill. "You seems to spaced out. Does the roller coaster scares you?" She then gave me an assuring smile. "Don't worry... I'm here for you."

My heart melted at that moment. I felt the sincerity on her voice. I would really like to respond to her but my voice was still stuck somewhere so I just gave her an appreciative smile and nodded.

"Come on girls!" Pete said as he unlocked the door. As I was about to open the door, it was opened from the outside and saw Jack's hand. I politely accepted her assistance but I noticed that he only helped me. Jill and the girls went down on their on. Something's definitely not right. I don't want to assume but I just hope I was wrong.

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