Chapter 27

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Sam's POV

I can't believe that I needed to witness another tragic event just to get my voice out. Now it may be too late. She would never hear me say those three magical words that she never failed to declare to me.

The ambulance arrived but Jill had already loss consciousness. I rode with them in the ambulance and I witness her flatlined twice. Then at the hospital, she flatlined again.

Luckily, the nearest trauma hospital where we were brought in was the one where her mom was working. I saw the fear in her eyes when she saw me and recognized that the girl lying on the gurney was her daughter.

"What happened?" She asked as she checked for her vitals.

"She was hit by a car." The EMT said.

"Prepare an OR!" Dr. Jerkins ordered. "You need to stay here Sam. I'll never let anything happen to her." Despite the fear of losing her child, she was still calm and collected. I nodded in response.

I then took my phone and send a group message. In less than an half an hour, the whole gang arrived.

"What happened?" Mia and Nica said at the same time.

"Jill... oh God... I should have know when I felt it again." Jack said and Pete tried to calm him down. Moments later, Jill's father came and asked the same question. It was the guys that explained to him the situation.

After almost an eternity, Dr. Jerkins walked out from the operating room and hugged her husband tight. She then released the hug and began to explain. "She has loss a lot of blood but we were able to replace it. She had several broken bones including a broken left knee and arms. Her left side will be placed in a cast. She suffered internal bleeding my no major organ damage. However, she hit her head pretty hard and there was swelling. We won't know the effect until the swelling's gone. She's being transferred to the ICU right now and was put into induce coma to help her body heal." We then sighed in relief. "However, there's still a chance that she might not make it. The first twenty four hour was crucial." She added.

At those words... I loss all my strength knowing the fact that I may loose the most important person in my life. I dropped to my knees as tears began to escaped my once emotionless eyes.

It had been three whole days but Jill was still in the ICU. She was released from the medically induced coma. The swelling of her brain has subsided and she was cleared in the MRI as well as CT scan. She had full cast on both her left leg and arm.

"Why is she not waking up mom?" Jack asked. And his mother just shook her head.

"I don't know Jack. Her vitals are okay. She can be transferred out from the ICU but I'd like to keep her here for another night or two. Maybe her body just needed to heal more. Don't worry... she'll come around."

She looked so vulnerable and it's all my fault. It had been only a month since she came into my life and she had been in the hospital twice.

It was then that my own body finally gave in. Upon hearing that it may still take time for Jill to wake up, my abused body succumbed into stress and fatigue due to lack of food and sleep.

Days turned into week and Jill still hasn't woken up. She was removed from the ICU and was placed in a normal room with extra cot. I was by her side 24/7. Her parents only agreed for me to stay if I eat and rest which I did. I don't want Jill to worry about me when she wakes up.

One week turned into two and that was when the doctors including her mother concluded that she fell into coma. Fortunately, her brain was still showing some activity so they haven't declared her brain dead because once they did, the next step was to pull the plug.

I was awaken by the sound of the alarm. Before I realized what was happening, I was shoved out of the room while a group of doctors and nurse tried to revive her. Jill coded again for the third time this week.

I was about to get out of the toilet when I over heard Jill's mom and other doctors speaking. "Her brain activity dropped. If this continues..."

"Stop! Please I don't want to here it." Dr. Jerkins said.

"I know it's hard but you're a doctor and you knew better." The other doctor said.

"I'm her mother first! And as long as there's hope, we'll never pull the plug. Now get out!" She shooed the doctors away.

I fell on my knees and sobbed through the door. If Jill's going to die... then I'll go with her.

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