THREE| you like my freckles

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5 years ago....

Science class had just started. I was in my regular seat beside Archie as he twiddled with my braid inside of listening to the teacher. I gave him a threatening look, silently telling him that he was getting on my last nerve. Archie gave me a small smirk and continued to do the very thing he knew would annoy me. He always loved to mess me with me.

Before I could turn to him and tell him to stop, the door to the classroom was opened. Every head shot to the door where Doctor Abby Griffin was standing with a sad look on her face. Dread entered the pit of my stomach

"Is Harley Winters in this class?"

My teacher opened her mouth to reply, but I stood up with worry in my eyes, "I'm right here. What's going on?"

"It's your mother."

I woke with a start, shooting up in bed and looking around frantically. My breaths came out heavy as I squeezed my eyes shut trying to shake off the dream. When they opened again and my breathing was steady, I realized that I wasn't in my room. Confusion filled my mind as I took in my surroundings.

Pale curtains were on both sides of the small bed I was sitting in. There was a coffee table beside the bed with an untouched glass of water seated on top of it. The area I was in was dim-lit, and I could hear voices and someone shuffling around on the other side of the curtain.

What happened? Why was I in medical?

I thought back hard, but when I tried to remember how I got to medical, a quick burst of pain went through my skull. I winced and slowly lied back down hoping that the memories would come back soon.

Then, the curtain to my right was pulled back slightly, and I was greeted by the kind smile of Doctor Griffin. She had a bottle of medicine in one of her hands.

"Hey, Harley. How are you feeling?" She asked as she came to stand beside me.

"Like someone hit me in the head with a brick," I answered making her laugh lightly. "How long was I asleep?"

"Almost ten hours. Your father, and some of your friends have been in and out to check on you."

"What happened?"

She shrugged, "Some guard brought you in last night. He said you had hit your head pretty hard and passed out."

"A guard?" That sounded familiar. Memories of an attractive, cocky guard suddenly came rushing back. "Officer Blake."

Abby nodded, "He stayed with you for a while. Wouldn't leave until I practically pushed him out the door." For some reason, that information made my cheeks heat up slightly, "You only have a minor concussion, so I'm not going to keep you much longer. You'll be free to return to your classes tomorrow."

"Joy," I muttered sarcastically as Abby handed me the small bottle of pills.

"These are for the pain. Only take one every ten hours," She instructed. "And stay hydrated. If you start feeling light-headed again, come straight back to medical."

"Will do," I replied. "Thanks, Doc."

I was released from medical about half an hour later, which just so happened to be the time lunch started. I sauntered down the halls as I pulled my messy hair up in a ponytail. I probably looked and smelled like death. The only thing I wanted to do was shower, but my stomach growled in protest.

When I entered the cafeteria, I saw my friends sitting in their usual spots around a table towards the back. Clarke and Wells were laughing about something while Archie poked his food suspiciously.

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