TEN| the most boring day of my life

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I was grounded. I knew something like that would happen when I arrived home two hours past curfew with my dad sitting on the couch, his arms crossed over his chest. He knew I had been at a party by the alcohol scent in my breath and the sweat drenching my body. He told me that I could only leave the apartment for school and to eat. I was not aloud tp hang out with my friends until he decided my punishment was over. 

And as a bonus punishment, he was forcing me to go to the Star Festival which was tomorrow. I was pretty sure I would rather die in a violent fire, but oh well. I was going to the ass hat festival. Yay for me.

So, eating was pretty much the highlight of my day. It was currently lunch time, and I was seated beside Wells. Archie and Clarke were talking about one of their earth skills assignments while Wells and I ate in silence. When he had found out about the fact that I went to a party and got slightly drunk, he was not exactly thrilled.

And somehow, he found out that I went there with Bellamy. I didn't know who he got the information from, but whoever they were I was very pissed at them. I assured Wells that nothing happened and that Bellamy and I just went there to hang out as friends further proving the fact that I was indeed horrible.

From across the cafeteria, I spotted Bellamy at a table with some of the other guards. He was laughing about something. I had almost forgotten how much I loved his smile. All nice thoughts about him faded though when he caught me staring.

My cheeks inflamed with heat as he smirked quirking an eyebrow. I gave him a hard glare before looking away, completely flustered with myself.

"Are you ok?" Wells suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I'm just frustrated," I answered. "You know, with my dad and the whole grounding thing." Not about Bellamy Blake catching me staring. Nope, not at all.

Wells nodded. He kept his gaze on his food as he ate, "I heard he's forcing you to come to the Star Festival."

"Yep, can't you just see the utter excitement radiating off of my face?" I asked with sarcasm.

Wells laughed lightly, "Maybe you'll be more excited if you come as my date."

"Well, the evening would be less horrible," I answered teasingly.

A happy smile formed on his lips as we both went back to eating our lunch. My gaze may or may not have returned to Bellamy throughout the rest of lunch.


After a check-up with Doctor Griffin, I returned to my room. There was nothing for me to do except take a nap, so that's exactly what I did. For two straight hours, I slept very peacefully with no interruptions.

Well, until there was a loud and rude knocking on the door. I was jerked out of my peacefulness, and I was very annoyed. I stormed out of my room with my fists clenched, ready to just go off on whoever dared to mess with my nap time.

The door slid open quickly, and I opened my mouth to begin my long rant about not disturbing people when they were trying to sleep, but all the words died on my lips when I saw Bellamy Blake standing there in his guard's uniform.

"Um, hey," I said with confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't show up for our lesson. I thought something was wrong."

"No, nothing's wrong. I'm actually on house arrest," I answered as I motioned to the apartment. "My dad caught me and grounded me."

Bellamy nodded, "Ok, well sorry I got you in trouble."

"It's not your fault. I chose to go with you."

"Do you regret it?" He asked.

My eyes locked with his, "No. Do you?"

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