TWENTY-SIX| how far will you go?

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3 months ago ( 7 months before mission to earth)

The dim-lit room of medical slowly came into focus as my eyes fluttered open

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The dim-lit room of medical slowly came into focus as my eyes fluttered open. A dull ache persisted in the back of my head as I looked around, feeling disoriented. When I tried to process why I was in medical, a sharp pain went through my entire skull. I winced as I attempted to sit up, but I felt too weak to move. I turned my head, spotting Doctor Griffin talking to Jackson in a low voice. When she glanced back at me, she noticed that my eyes were slightly open.

She walked to the bed, placing her hand on my shoulder with a small smile, "Harley, welcome back."

It took a moment for the words I wanted to say to leave my mouth, "What... what happened?"

"There was an explosion, and you've been in a coma," Abby grabbed the clipboard sitting on the table by the bed. "Everyone's brain heals differently. Yours healed faster than we thought it would. Your memories may be a little foggy for a while. It may take some time before everything goes back to normal."

I already felt like going back to sleep, "Can I see my dad?" A grim expression covered Abby's face, and I gave her a confused look. "What is it?"

"Harley," she squeezed my shoulder in a comforting way. "Your father's been arrested."

Those words were enough to give me the strength to sit up, "What?!"

"You need to stay calm Harley," Abby said in a cautious voice.

"Why the hell was he arrested?" My anger made my head spin as I tried to stay awake. "Tell me!"

"I don't know," she said as she tried to get me to relax. "No one knows except the Chancellor."

"Tell Jaha I want to talk to him," I said as my vision started to fade. "Tell...him...please." I lost consciousness a few seconds later, suddenly falling into blackness.


"Harley... Harley, can you hear me?"

My eyes opened, falling on the face the voice belonged to. I saw Wells leaning over my bed with an anxious look in his dark eyes. My last memory was Abby telling me my father was arrested. I sat up quickly, feeling more stable than the first time I woke up. I tried to think back before my coma, but everything was a tangled blur.

"Wells, can you get me out here?" I  looked around. "I have to go talk to your father-"

"You need to hurry," Wells said with urgency. "Your father's execution is in two hours. Doctor Griffin and Jackson will be back from their lunch break in five minutes."

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