TWENTY-ONE| happy birthday

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It was easy for people to remember my birthday. Mainly because I shared my birthday with Unity Day, aka the day all the Stations pretended to like each other and celebrate how the Ark came to be. On the plus side, there was always a party on my birthday. And a big one. I could just pretend that they were throwing it for me. 

My birthday started like it always did. My dad and Archie woke me up early with their God awful singing. They sang happy birthday to me and we hung out in the living room watching my favorite movie, Ghostbusters, and Archie gave me his present. Usually, he would make me something because he was extremely skilled in the craft area. For my seventeenth birthday though, he gave me a new watch because apparently my old one was 'out of style and begging to be replaced.'

My dad said his present was a surprise, and I would have to wait to find out what it was. I hated surprises, so why did people always want to surprise me? I liked to know exactly what was going to happen. Was that so hard to understand?

He randomly left the apartment that afternoon as Archie and I sat on the couch. He told me that he broke up with Zoey Monroe because they were too different. He was depressed about being single again, but I knew he wouldn't stay that way for long. The girls loved him.

"So, how are things with your love life?" Archie asked. "Hopefully better than mine."

A grin formed on my lips, "Things are good," my grin got even wider. "Really good. Oh, wait nevermind. The Council wants to break Bellamy and me up and Diana Sydney blatantly threatened him in front of my face. So, actually things are pretty freaking messed up."

Archie nodded, "What's going to happen if Jaha doesn't change his mind? Are you and Bellamy still going to try and have a relationship?"

"I mean I want to, but I don't know about Bellamy," I let out a long sigh. "He said that he really wants to be with me, but he doesn't want to put me in any danger. I think it's a little late for that. I literally stabbed Diana Sydney with a fork and called her an old hag."

Archie let out a laugh and held out his fist. I gave him a quick fist bump, "Oh yeah, I am so proud of you, sister. Way to out-bitch the bitch."

A chuckle escaped my lips as the door suddenly slid open. I quickly turned my head to see my dad hurrying in. I raised my eyebrows in suspicion. Why had he been acting so weird all day? He set a bag down on the counter in the kitchen before coming to stand in front of the couch.

Archie and I looked up with him with question on our faces as we awaited an explanation for his actions.

"Harley needs to come with me right now," he said urgently.

I stood up as concern washed over my body, "What's going on?"

He grabbed my arm, "I'll explain later. It's an emergency. Come on."

The first thought in my head was if Bellamy was alright and if this had anything to do with him. I had told my dad about Diana Sydney (Well I left out the part where I stabbed her) and the Council had put Commander Duke and many other guards on the investigation, but she hadn't been arrested yet. She couldn't be arrested until they had solid proof that she was the one behind all the riots.

So, she was still out and about and she could have very well hurt Bellamy and his family. My heart pounded as I prepared myself for the worst possible situation. I questioned my dad as we walked through the hallways, but he didn't give me any straight answers. Oh God, it must have been really bad.

I was about to ask what was going on for the millionth time when suddenly, we stopped at the door of the Mess Hall. I stared in unbelief at the scene in front of me.

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