NINETEEN| a new friend

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Ok so, just a little warning this chapter contains a pretty heated moment between Bellamy and Harley. It's not exactly smut, because I didn't go that into detail, but it's still more than just a make out session if you know what I mean. *wink wink


Slowly, things began to heat up between Factory and Alpha Station. Twice a week there was some kind of protest outside of the Council room while they were having meetings. Nothing violent had happened yet, but I could tell that it was on the way.

I visited Factory Station as often as I could. People were inviting Bellamy and I over for dinner, or just to talk. We had become pretty popular amongst the residents of Factory Station. They were calling us their very own star-crossed lovers. We thought it was cheesy of course, but being public with our relationship was refreshing and so much less stressful. 

We were even coming close to being done with our cadet training, which meant we would be actual guards soon. Everything seemed to be changing but in a good way. I welcomed these new changes. Mainly because I longed to be a real guard, and I loved spending time with the people of Factory Station. They were all so kind and friendly and true to what they believed in. It was nice being around such sincere and honest people for a change.

I even brought Archie with me one time and he ended up playing hide and seek with a group of little kids. He was always a magnet for children, and the kids of Factory Station were no exception.

And I was there for the third time in two days as my laughter filled the dim-lit halls. Bellamy pulled me along with him, but I grabbed his arm and forced him to a stop before he could drag me any further.

"Bellamy, where in the world are you taking me?" I asked as his arms looped around my waist.

"There's someone I want you to meet. Someone very important to me."

I quirked an eyebrow, "Bellamy, I thought I made it clear that I'm not willing to have an open relationship."

He rolled his eyes, "Very funny, Harles, but I have a strong feeling that you are in for a pretty big surprise."

I tangled my hands in his hair, "Those are the exact words you told me before we got a little too tipsy and almost arrested at Dallas's party last week."

Bellamy smirked, "Admit it. You had fun."

"I had a decent time," I replied. "But, you know what's even better than one of Dallas's parties?"

"The fact that Duke gave us the day off tomorrow?" Bellamy asked.

I nodded, "Yes, and..." I leaned closer to him. "My dad will be in Mecha Station for the next two days helping some of the engineers with a new project, so I have the apartment all to myself."

A sly grin pulled at his lips, "Is that an invitation?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Depends on if you piss me off today or not. Which, you're very good at, by the way, so you better behave yourself, Blake."

"Yes ma'am," he teased before stealing my lips in a quick kiss. "Now, come on. There's someone you need to meet."

I followed him down another narrow hallway that led to Section 17. We passed several people coming home from their jobs and some offered me kind smiles when they recognized me. Bellamy and I made it to where a large number of living compartments were located. We came to a dead-end that had a door with the numbers 20391.

I gave Bellamy a questioning look as he pulled a key card out from his guard's jacket. Wait, was this his apartment? I watched as the door unlocked. He pulled the metal door open, and it made a soft screeching sound like most of the doors in Section 17 that needed replacing.

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