TWENTY-FOUR| a wedding no one will forget

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The news of my engagement to Wells had spread throughout the Ark like wildfire. The wedding was in two days and the only people that were invited were Council members and Archie. I argued and argued with Jaha until he agreed to let my best friend come. I was marrying his son. The least he could do was invite Archie. 

Plus, I would need Archie there for moral support. The reality that I was going to be married in forty-eight hours was already freaking me out. I hadn't even thought of marriage until Jaha forced me into this. I wasn't even planning on getting married anytime soon, but here I was in the trading center looking for a dress.

Archie was beside me as he held up different white dresses for me to look at. I had said no to tell of them so far, and Archie was complaining about how difficult my style was.

I just wasn't feeling the whole white dress thing. It all seemed too...happy. I wasn't happy. I was devastated. Wearing white didn't seem right.

Then, my eyes landed on a dress that was sitting at a table to my left all my itself. I picked up the silky fabric with a thin smile on my lips.

"Hey, Arch," I turned to Archie and held out the dress. "I think this is the one."

Archie stopped in his tracks with raised eyebrows, "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean it's nice, but doesn't it look more like a funeral dress than a wedding dress?"

"Yep," I answered as I ran my hand over the black material. "That's the point." This would definitely be a wedding no one would forget any time soon.

I spent the rest of the day on guard duty with Dallas. Things were extremely bleak now that Bellamy and Walker were both gone. At the thought of Bellamy, a sudden pang of emptiness hit my chest.

Dallas kept up small talk as we walked down the halls of Mecha Station. I was surprised he hadn't brought up the wedding, but maybe he knew I would prefer not to talk about it. He and Bellamy were best friends, so I figured he knew the whole story. I also finally learned that Dallas's first name was Nick.

After that time seemed to pass unpleasantly fast.  Before I knew it, I was standing in front of my mirror in a long, silky black dress with thin straps. My hair was curled,  and a small amount of makeup covered my face.

My whole body was full of dread, fear, and panic. Not because of Wells. I knew Wells, and I knew he didn't want the marriage either. Maybe he and I could find a way out of it after Jaha quit being Chancellor.

I was afraid because I wasn't ready to let go of Bellamy. I was scared of what letting him go meant. I had finally found someone that I loved, and then they were ripped away from me. I was so close to getting a happy ending, but I guess there was no such thing. Maybe there was in another world where there was no nuclear apocalypse and people lived normal lives, but on the Ark, all endings were the same.

There was a faint knock on my door that jerked me out of my thoughts, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and my dad stood in the doorway as he looked at my dress with shock on his face, "Harley..."

"I know, but I want Jaha to know how much I hate this," I replied as I turned to my dad. "I want him to know that he's causing me pain."

My dad nodded, "Well, you look beautiful, kiddo." I offered him a small smile. He held out his arm. "Are you ready?"

I took a deep breath before walking over to lace my arm through his, "Ready as I'll ever be."

People stared as my dad and I walked through the halls of Alpha Station. They all knew what was going on and their whispers of gossip radiated throughout the hallways. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as we got closer to the large meeting room where the wedding was going to be held.

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