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"I swear Bren, one minute he's fine, then he'll go all out on me."

Brendon laughs. "Get used to it bud. Move on."

Josh shakes his head. "There's something about him..."

Josh sighs.

He scoffs. "Make him jealous Josh. Try that."

Josh nods. "I could try..."

-a week later-
Josh ends up going for Ryan.Ross.

Brendon's crush. But Brendon wasn't even mad! Ugh. I ignored him and sit at the lunch table. "Hey Ry." I smile. He returns the smile. "Hi Tyler."

Jenna nudges me, whispering something. I groan. Josh sneaks behind Ryan and scares him. "Holy shit!" He widens his eyes. "Oopsie? Hiya love." They share a kiss and my stomach burns.

I didn't like Josh. No.

I am independent and I-I'm cool.

Josh sits in an empty seat and pulls Ryan into his lap. "How are you Jen?"

Jenna scoffs. "Fuck you."

Josh grins. "Sorry, can't do that!" Ryan simply wraps his arms around Josh's neck and sighs.

"How are you Bren?"

Brendon had started sitting with us since he really has changed. "Uh- good. Tyler and I got partnered for a music project."

Josh nods. "That's sick. Any new relationships?"

I swear, Brendon glared. "No actually! I do like someone though." Brendon fakes a smile.

"And who would that be? The one person you haven't fucked?"

Josh points to me.

I sigh. "Don't listen to him Bren, wanna go sit with Pete and Patrick?"

Brendon nods and gets up. Melanie and Ashley too. "Y'know, you really do hurt people Josh." Jenna leaves lastly. Ryan looks at his boyfriend,thinking.


Brendon transferred to art luckily. I sit by him, holding his hand under the table. "I really do like him Tyler."

Tyler nods. "I know. I know how you feel."

We both sigh. "He likes you too. He just wanted the feeling of being loved." I explain.

Brendon nods.

A girl named Sarah walks over. "Hi! I'm Sarah. I've never met you formally Tyler." I shake her hand.

"And Brendon! You've changed since 4th grade." She laughs quietly.

"I forgot you go here." They both laugh.

"Gotta go. Bye!" She skips off.

Ryan,Brendon and I were hanging out after school today, walking home. Josh tags along too.

Brendon and I mumble to each other as Josh was literally making out with Ryan. I felt bad for him. Ryan deserved better.

"We could?" Brendon shakes his head. "No. Not now. When Josh leaves the room..." I say.

I wanted to help Brendon.
Not myself.
I didn't want a fuck boy.

We decided on an okay plan. Kiss. I mean we both obviously enjoyed the last time.

Josh gets up. "I'm gonna go grab a movie, brb."I roll my eyes.

I press my lips to Brendon's gently, Ryan widening his eyes at this. Josh comes back down stairs quickly though. I make sure to act like I'm really into it. I pull away,wiping my lips.

Josh had hurt in his eyes, as does Ryan.

"Uh... You guys a thing now?" Josh asks. I shake my head. "Nah. He hasn't asked me at least..." I wink at him, signaling for him to do that. "Do you wanna go out with me?" I nod, smiling. "Sick." Ryan sighs and looks at Josh. "I think I like Brendon..." He whispers to Josh. "I can't play this dumb game. I can't even stick to the plan! I didn't know this would happen..."

Brendon raises a brow. "Wait, so you guys are fake?" Josh nods. "He wasn't supposed to fucking tattle."

"We're fake too. Brendon likes Ryan so I uh... Yeah." I whisper, my cheeks darkening.

Brendon and Ryan end up being boyfriends in the next 5 minutes. "Plan worked..." I whisper.

I hear Josh sigh and mumble.

"Only half of it..."

Love (not)//Joshler Where stories live. Discover now