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I walked to school alone today because Jenna went with Sarah. I didn't mind though. It was quiet. Today, I wore a button up and some jeans. And I looked okay I guess. I adjust my backpack and walk inside hell. I'm stopped by the one and only, Pete Wentz though.

"Hey Ty. We gotta talk."

I groan. "I don't want to."

Pete smiled. "This one is good. Y'know Josh Dun?" I nod. "Fuck boy? Yup." We continue walking and talking. "Well, he put flowers in your locker and a long note." I widen my eyes. "I watched him do it." I nod slowly and walk to my locker. I do my combination and open it. Yes, there was a big bouquet of roses and daisies.

'Dear Tyler,
I wanted to apologize for being so rude to you and treating you like nothing more than a sex object. I am truly sorry for everything. I wanted to re-start. Wanna meet me at the coffee shop by my house? I'm already on my way. You don't have to if you don't want to. I hope we can at least be friends.

Love, Josh'

I smile and Jenna runs over. "WHO GOT YOU THESE?"

She hugs me tightly. "Uh- Josh."

She freezes. "Really?" I nod slowly. "I-I gotta go..." I whisper. I take the flowers and tell security I'm putting them in my car. I sigh and stop home to drop these off. My dad was home. "Kelly?"

I quickly rush out so my dad wouldn't see me.

I glance at the shop. "No... I should go back. This is stupid..." I whisper.

Someone grabs my arm. "Hi Princes- I mean Tyler, sorry."

Josh takes his hood off and smiled. "How're you?"

I shrug. 


I sigh. "Why'd you get me flowers?"

Josh brushes a hand through his hair. "To apologize." He shrugs.

"I should be the one apologizing. I promise I-I didn't mean to get so pushy and..."

I trail off, my cheeks heating. "You look lovely today Tyler."

My blush darkens. I decide to accept his compliment for once. "Thank you. You look beautiful too. Wait- shit! I meant hot... N-No I meant nice! No I-I..." Josh smiled.

"Thank you. That was cute. Now lemme buy you coffee."

I take another sip and smile.

I mess with the sleeve of my shirt quietly

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I mess with the sleeve of my shirt quietly.

"What do you think of Brendon and Ryan?" Josh breaks the silence.

"they're cute. I'm jealous."

Josh laughs quietly. "Why?"

"Because they seem so happy and I'm just a bean trying to find someone to hug 'n stuff."

Josh smiled. "You have friends to hug. And me."

"I meant love Josh."

Josh sighs. "You wanna know why I've been with so many people?"

I get curious. "Why?"

"Because love is hard to find. And sex isn't apparently. Sex is so much easier to find then love, it's funny. And even if you like your one night stand, you can't date them or anything. Because they were in it for the sex too. "

I widen my eyes a bit. "These days, people want sex more than love."

He sighs and wipes his eyes, tears obviously in his eyes. "Sorry."

He whispers. I get up, sitting by him. I hug him tightly. "Did you ever fall for a one night stand?" I ask quietly. He nods. "His name was Jesse. Barely even friends. And I fell in love with his personality and he fell in love with what I gave him."

I sadly look at him. "I'm sorry." I whisper. He shakes his head. "It's fine Ty."

I rest my head in his shoulder. "Do you wanna go to my house?" I ask. He shrugs. "Yeah sure. My mom found out where I lived anyways."

"You don't live with your parents?"

"That kicked me out for being bi. Being in an extremely Christian family and liking the same gender fucking sucks." I nod.

I stare at Josh. He fell asleep on my bed. I examine him as if he's a new specimen. His lips were slightly parted and he looked so peaceful. I bring out my phone quietly, snapping a picture. I obviously add black and while because I love filters.

 I obviously add black and while because I love filters

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I get up quietly and walk over to my desk, writing.

'But because of you I might think twice...'

Love (not)//Joshler Where stories live. Discover now