Chapter 1- Meeting under the moonlight.

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**I do not own the Characters of Inuyasha. This is just for Your enjoyment. Thanks. This was written before the final act came out yyeeaaaars ago so if the timeliness doesn't add up that's why**

It's been months since the defeat of Naraku, all was peaceful for Kagome and her friends... or so it seemed..

Kagome was out in the fields with Lady Kaede, picking herbs for the sick villagers seeking medicine. "Kagome... Did ye sleep well?" Kaede asked, noticing little bags under Kagome's eyes. The answer was apparent but, she wasnt going to pressure her to speak. She was just worried about her is all.

"Oh, yes I have Kaede.. its just bright outside." Kagome stopped picking herbs to look at the older priestess, and she gave the old woman a smile.

Kaede nodded, "I see. Well I'll be inside if ye need me." She said calmly before she stood and began the way back to the hut. Kagome rubbed her eyes on her sleeve, watching the elder woman leave. She had lied to Kaede.. she wasn't sleeping well. However she wouldn't tell her that, Kagome always hated making others worry about her. She would leave in the middle of the night to sit at the well and cry. For now that Naraku was gone, and Kagome thought things would be different... that Inuyasha and her would finally be together. The reality of it was that Inuyasha has spent every moment he had searching for his first love, the dead priestess.. Kikyo. He had barely spoke a word to Kagome since then. That day Naraku was defeated and Kikyo disappeared, he woukd leave and search for her in anyway he could. She feels all the more empty inside with each passing day knowing what she had felt for the half-demon would never be returned, was a reoccuring dream that invaded her ming each sleepless night. Kikyo and Inuyasha intertwining in an intimate embrace was something she couldn't bear to see... Snapping out of it she finally stood with her basket of herbs and looks up to see him. Inuyasha. He was sitting high up in a tree looking around. She knew very well what he was looking for, she hides her eyes with her bangs and starts to walk to Kaede's hut.

"Kagome! Hey wait up, would ya?" Inuyasha called down. Kagome stopped midstep and looked back in time to watch him descend the tree slowly. In the same way he use to that'd make her heart race, but now... it was another crack in her shattered heart.

"What do you want Inuyasha? I'm kinda busy you know!" She stated as he approached her. Causing his to freeze in place at her harsh cold tone.

He paused for a second as if to plan his next words carefully. He rubbed the back of his neck averting his eyes. "Well, I was wondering would you want to go for a walk with me?" Kagome frowned, she knew what he was thinking... He wanted a reason to scout out farther for Kikyo. Hasn't she felt enough pain already...? He would just abandon her again to go to see her. So, why would she volunteer to go along just to be tossed aside again.

Kagome sighed. "Sorry, but I don't have the time. Just go yourself! Wh-" She turned swiftly and almost headbutted one of Kikyo's soul collectors. "Great..." she thought. She looked over her shoulder to look at Inuyasha, as the soul collector flew away. Inuyasha froze and looked her in the eyes for a brief moment as if to apologize. She didn't care anymore she was already broken inside. "Go to her.." she said coldly before making the way back to the hut. Inuyasha tried to reach and stop Kagome but, the soul collector was traveling father away. He sighed seeing Kagome's figure disappear into the hut after a minute he followed after the soul collector.
He didn't come back that night, she figured he wanted to spend time with her alone. It was already really late, and everyone else was already asleep. Kagome slipped on her shoes as usual and made her way up to the well.

As Kagome approached the well as she did almost every night but this time she sees someone standing there. She hides behind a tree hoping the person hasn't noticed her presence. Who else would be here this time of night?

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