Chapter 3- Switching parties

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"This Sesshomaru intends to make you his and protect you forever..."

For a berief moment Kagome questioned if she had heard him correctly. Was he serious..? She still shaken by the events that just occurred she was fully sure for moment but looking into his eyes. The same ones that nearly drowned her last night so could tell he meant every word. She felt her heart tighten and skip a few beats looking at him. He kneeled down in front of her offering a helping hand. Strangely he had shown her so much compassion in two nights then she felt in a very long time. She knows he is an all powerful demon, he had displayed his strength on many occasions so she had no doubt on that regard. Hell he just saved her from being... you know. She shook off that image, not wanting to believe Inuyasha would be capable of doing such a thing to her. However, things were different now... the man that sat unconscious on the scared tree was not the Inuyasha she came to know. She sat in thought for a moment. She needed to get away, she needed to be far from Inuyasha right now. She didn't know if she would be able to face him again after this. She thought carefully on what she should do so, when she finally made up her mind she nodded her head. Sesshomaru nodded his head back in agreement and slowly picked her up and carried her on the way back to where his camp was, he didn't want her to go back to the hut and face those horrors again. For now, if Inuyasha even trys to lay a finger of Kagome.. he will kill him without heistation.

When they arrived back at the camp, Rin and Jaken were still awake. "Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin smiles grin and hugged onto his leg.

"Quit that, little girl. And leave Lor-" Jaken was stopped by Sesshomaru putting his boot to his face. "Oof!" he let out as he fell back to the ground.

Rin then noticed he was carrying Kagome. "Kagome!"

Sesshomaru set her down on her feet, so Rin can give her a hug as well.

"Hi, Rin. It's been a while." Kagome smiled squatting down to the little girl, who smiled back.

Rin was happy to see Kagome again but, she then noticed the rip in Kagome's shirt. "What happened to your clothes Kagome? Are you ok? I bet Sesshomaru saved you from a scary demon didn't he?" The little girl beamed at Kagome awaiting an answer.

Kagome's eyes darkened but, she put a smile on her face as she said calmly as she could.  "No nothing like that. It just got caught on a tree branch when I when for a walk through the forest, I'm ok. Don't worry about me Sesshomaru did keep me safe though."

"I knew he would! He is super strong isn't he?!" She grinned happily at Kagome and she nodded her head in agreement.

Sesshomaru looked down at her  though she had put a smile on in front of Rin as to not worry her. He felt as though she was still frighten by the events moments ago. Her muscles still seemed as if they were still on guard. He knew she would still be a little tense after that experience. He hated Inuyasha for doing such a disgraceful thing to her.. next time Inuyasha ever comes near her or touches her... He will be dead. Without question.

Inuyasha finally wakes up after an hour or so. "Ugh.. Kagome?" He looks around his eyes blurry from the blow to the head when his vision finally clears up. He looks around the area to see she along with Sesshomaru we're gone. "No! KAGOME!" He tried to stand but his legs gave way causing him to sit down and he fummed over it for a few mintutes. Then, he decided to head back to the hut thinking she might of returned for her things. But, he wasn't surpirsed to see it still there against the wall like it usually was. Everyone was still asleep and he didn't want to wake them but, as he stepped into the hut Shippo woke up.

"Huh? Inuyasha?" He looks around sheepishly rubbing his small tired eyes. "Where's... Kagome?"

"Beats me." he said in an annoyed huff, taking his place against the wall.

Shippo sits up abruptly and looks at Inuyasha. "and you won't go looking for her?!" Shippo become angry with Inuyasha, "You're so selfish Inuyasha!"

"Oh yeah? How about you go look for her then?" Inuyasha snapped back at Shippo folding his arms annoyed.

Shippo stood up, and proclaimed "fine I will!" As he jumped out of the sleeping bag he usually shared with Kagome and started for the door, he was stopped by Inuyasha.

"Oh, and Shippo you might want to take her things.." Inuyasha said somewhat coldly but, his eyes showed he was somewhat sad.

"Why?" Shippo asked looking up at Inuyasha confused why he said that.
Inuyasha didn't look at him, he turned his head away from the small fox demons stare. "'Cus I don't think she'll be coming back.."

Shippo opened his mouth to ask him why again but before Shippo could question Inuyasha, he threw the big yellow bag out the hut's door. Shippo quickly chased after it as it rolled down the small hill outside he managed to stop it before it hit the water in the stream.

He glared back to the hut, "Stupid Inuyasha.. What's his deal? First, he doesn't bother to go find Kagome, and now almost ruins all her stuff! She has always been so nice to Inuyasha but, he is always so mean not caring about her feelings!" He struggled a little with the bag trying to pull it back up to the top of the hill then he remembered he could use his fox magic. He put a spell talesmen on the bag which made it smaller and lighter so it would be easier for him to carry. "Right now I better hurry up and find Kagome!" he sniffed around and followed after her scent.

Inuyasha sat in his thoughts of what just happened.. He wasn't acting like himself, he knew that. He would never do anything like that to Kagome.. Then why did he? Was he really that upset and jealous that she was going out to see Sesshomaru? His older brother who despised him... he always thought Sesshomaru disliked humans. He would always talk about how weak they were and made rude comments about Inuyasha's mother. He clutched his sword at the thought, his anger returning but remembering his mothers face it slowly morphed into Kagome's smiling face as she said his name. He dark hair blowing in the breeze. She was always there for him... she even told Inuyasha how she felt for him many times but, he doesn't ever remembering telling her how he felt for her. He did love her but he also loved Kikyo. His heart was conflicted and he didn't know what to do but he knew there was one thing he had to do. He had to go and apologize.. but not tonight, he would wait until he knows she'll be alone..

Shippo still wandering around but he knew he was getting closer to Kagome, her scent was getting stronger. As he approached the camp, he was shocked to see Kagome sitting in Sesshomaru's lap. His arm was wrapped warmly around her she seemed to be muzzled close to his chest. 'Why was Kagome with Sesshomaru?' Shippo gulped before slowly stepping out into the campfire's light.

Hearing the rustling of leaves, Kagome opened her eyes and looked towards the sound. "Who's there?" Kagome asked as the figure popped out of hiding she realized that it was her son Shippo, she turned on Sesshomaru's lap and and opened her arms for him to come and embrace her. "Shippo!"

Shippo's eyes welled up as he ran into her arms and whelped in her arms. "Kagome!" She held the small Fox child comforting him softly. She had given him a small explanation on what happened and why she didn't come back to the hut. He was still young so she left out some details but, he understood what she did tell him. "Inuyasha is such a jerk. You were always too good for him anyway." He folded his small arms and grumbled softly to himself. Kagome smiled a bit, atleast Shippo was safe and with her now. After a bit she had him go and play with Rin he showed her some tricks with his fox magic. Aside from the dark events from earlier, Kagome was happy. They all looked like a small happy family, and that warmed her heart. Leaning back against Sesshomaru's chest she continued to watch the children play.

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