Chapter 4-To the Western Lands

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So now Kagome and her kit Shippo will now be traveling with Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken.
      It was late at night, Sesshomaru stayed up to keep watch,with them still so close to Inuyasha, he couldn't rest. He wanted to stay awake and keep a watchful eye on his future mate and the two children. He had held Kagome in his arm and he kept looking down to watch her sleeping face nuzzled against his shoulder. The campfire outlined her facial features from her cute little nose to her soft pink lips. Lost in the moment he touch her face on the back oh his hand. He had an idea to take her back to his home land to his palace. He hasn't been back to see it since the death of his father. But, with the passing of his father he knew the palace would be passed down to him. He had no interest in ruling over the land but, now he had a full family to care for. They couldn't be sleeping outside in the woods forever. The Westland were beautiful, flowers and lush forests lined the horizon. He was sure Kagome would love it looking at her soft face again. He can't wait to see her face when she sees the palace. "She makes the most adorable faces." he says to himself giving slight smile.. which was a rare sight to see. Too bad everyone was asleep...

As the sun began to rise, Kagome woke up still nuzzled up in Sesshomaru's embrace. He sat with his eyes shut, but he was not sleeping. She smiled as he opened his eyes and looked down at her. "Good morning Sesshomaru."
"Hn." He said, that was his usual response to everything. She would of loved a goodmorning but baby steps. She smiled standing up to stretch. Sleeping in a curled up position for so long was straining on her back. She stood lost in her thoughts then he spoke up snapping her back to life, "You should wake up the children, we must start leaving soon."

"Ok, we have a destination in mind?" She asked curiously. He nodded standing as well he leaned down and kissed her cheek gently then she went to wake the children. She patted both of them on their shoulders and whispered her good mornings to them both of the children rubbed there eyes fighting the urge to fall back asleep. Kagome smiled and told Shippo when they were fully up there was juice and snacks for them to have before heading out. He nodded his head he loved the snacks she brought back from her era. Kagome stood back up and went for her bag. She was happy to see that Shippo was able to bring her bag along with him. She didn't want to leave it there or travel with her chest being openly exposed. She opened the bag and began to rummage inside. "Hopefully I packed spare clothes." She felt around deep inside the over stuffed bag before the felt the familiar materiel she was hunting for. "Hm... Ah Ha!" She pulls out an extra shirt. "Thank you mom" , she says to herself.  Her mother was always sure to pack an extra uniform for Kagome. She was sure her mother bought her more new uniforms then anything else in her entire life. She would eventually have to give up the uniform though. She was no longer in school anymore. She thought back to those days, her friends and her family she missed them. Holding her shirt to her chest, she stands up tells Sesshomaru she is going to change her shirt by the small creek by the camp. Walking past him to a covered area and she starts to remove her shirt, she turns around hearing a rustling of leaves and sees Sesshomaru standing behind her. "Whaaaa~~! What are you doing there?!" she squealed, covering her half naked torso blushing immensely.

"I'm watching out for you. Inuyasha is still in the area.. who knows when he were to show up again. So I can't let you leave my sight." he simply stated, looking over her.

Kagome's cheek were flushed, "I'll be ok.. I can defend myself!" She held her new shirt against herself hiding her bare chest.

"Like you did last night?" he said, looking at her with some kind of worry in his eyes.

She froze and looked down, he was right... Inuyasha was ignorant and rash he could easier find her again and finish what he started last night. She shook her head, shaking off the thought. She sighed turning her back to him and quickly slipped on her new shirt.

Sesshomaru watched her and he knew she was nervous, he could smell it. He merely smirked looking at her back, her skin was fair and looked soft like her face did. After he saw her finally finish putting the piece of clothing on properly he nudged his head back towards the camp. "Come we are ready to head out." He lead her back to the camp and he picks up her bag like it was nothing holding it with two fingers. The bag  would of been too heavy for her to carry she usually struggles getting it through the well most trips, and he was barely using any strength to carry it. He was incredibly strong after all. Seeing Kagome and Sesshomaru return back the kids stood and announced they were ready to go. Shippo jumped up to her back and hung on to her shoulder, while Rin grabbed one of her free hands. They smiled at each other again they all looked like a happy little family. With Jaken following behind with Ah-Uhn they started in there way to the Western Lands.
       In Kaede's hut everyone had woken up and saw Kagome and Shippo gone. Sango knew something was wrong she instantly looked at Inuyasha and knew he did something once again. "Baka.." she muttered. Miroku placed his hand on her shoulder.
       "Don't worry. I'm sure they just went out for a walk." He said and smiled. Sango nodded but, didn't want to believe it. She knew Kagome wouldn't leave in her own without telling them. She wasn't in her futon last night at all.. she began to worry. Even her bag wasn't here... she would take it if she were to go back to her time but, if that were the case where was Shippo?
       Inuyasha stands and walks out the hut without a word. Kaede tended to the small stove making breakfast. "Ye seems to be troubled by something.."
       "Lady Kaede you think it has to do with Kagome and Shippo?" Miroku chipped in.
       "Aye. Kagome wasn't here all night and Shippo left before we awoke." Kaede said as she sat in her usual spot.
       "Hmm.. then where could they have gone last night surely Kagome wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.." Sango said softly holding her hands on her lap.
       "It is strange.." Miroku said holding his chin as he slid his other hand down Sango's back and rubbed her butt.
        Sango clenched her fist, "MI-RO-KU..... Baka!!" She slaps him across the face. He yelps in pain, the pets the mark slowly. "Can't you be serious for once!" Miroku chuckled nervously.
        Kirara meowed.
        As the sun started to set once again, Sesshomaru insisted they stop and make camp. For it wouldn't be much longer before they'd reach the palace. As Kagome and Shippo set up a fire pit Rin and Jaken gathered branches for firewood. With them being a good distance from Kaede's hut, Sesshomaru set out to hunt, he came back with four fish and what looked like cut and skinned pieces of a boar. Impressive Kagome wondered if it was because he didn't want the children to watch her skin the poor animal, or maybe knowing it's the only spare clothing she had didn't want to ruin them with blood stains. Either way was extremely helpful. Kagome took the meat from him and sat by the fire and cooked as the children played a little. Sesshomaru sat against a tree as always, and watched her prepare the food. Her dark raven hair reflected the flame from the pit as if it was mimicking the fire. Dark, and beautiful.
        After she had finished cooking she had given the little ones including Jaken and Ah-UhnShe stood and brought over Sesshomaru his piece of boar meat. "Here." she said shyly, blushing a little.
        Sesshomaru smirked slightly to himself  at this and looked up at her. "Feed it to me."
        She blinked, blushing more. "What?"
        "This Sesshomaru would like you to feed it to me." he said, with a sly look on his face.
        She bit her lip nervously she knew he was fully capable of feeding himself. She figured he was making her do this just to mess with her. "You can feed yourself can't you?" He shook his head and held up his one hand.
    "I only have one arm and.. it's busy at the moment." She looked at him perplexed. What did he mean he was holding up his hand a second ago, how was it busy? She suddenly felt an arm snake it's way around her waist pulling her into his lap. "I have to hold you in place so you don't fall backwards." He says this in his best calm voice though she saw a playful gleam in his eyes. Yep, he was messing with her. She blushed more but, seeing he did only have one arm and she reluctantly fed him. Sesshomaru was entertained by this. He couldn't wait til they got to the palace. Of course he wouldn't make her feed him ... often. It was just intriguing to see all of her reactions. He wondered about ... other expressions she makes but, that can wait.
        After eating dinner it was getting late so it was time they all slept. Rin and Shippo shared Kagome's sleeping bag as Kagome slept in Sesshomaru's lap again but this time she had adjusted to where it would be less painful on her back. After a while of watching over the camp Sesshomaru, also allowed himself to fall asleep but kept up his guard as he felt a disturbance near by. He wasn't sure what it was but, he didn't like it....

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