Chapter 16- Allies

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Sango was getting her pouch ready, while Miroku say next to Lady Kaede by the fire. "It's been a while since I visited my old village... I just have a feeling I have to go back."

Miroku walked up beside her, "I'm coming with you. It could be dangerous to go alone."

Sango blushed slightly, as he wraps his arms around her waist "I'll be fine."

Miroku nuzzle his face in her neck and gently touched her stomach, "I know you will, but a man shouldn't leave his bride to be and mother of his child to be alone."

Sango blushed again harder, as Kaede sat behind them quietly "Fi-fine."

"Ye two be safe. I have a bad feeling.. something may be wrong." The two looked at the old woman. They were unsure of her ominous warning. This made Sango even more worried for her village. She turned to get her weapons then hopped onto kirara's back, Miroku hopped on after then they set out to the Demon Slayer Village.


"Everyone ready? " Kagome said has they stood in the well's shrine. The children nodded their heads. Sesshomaru stood by Inuyasha and pushed his shoulder forward a little bit, "you shall go first.."

'Who does he think he is?!' Inyasha said to himself, Sesshomaru pushed again. "Alright, alright! I'm going." He hopped down the well to the other side. Kagome grabbed onto the kids while Sesshomaru held her bag with her bow and arrows.

"Let's go." They all jumped in at once.


As Miroku and Sango inched closer to the village they sensed a strong demonic aura surrounding the spot in which it stood. "A strong demonic aura? Why would something like that be there?!" Sango questioned, very scared and worried as they quickly approached the village.

"Look down there!" Miroku pointed down at the village to see the dead villagers standing around guarding the walls and the old house that Sango onced lived.

"But, wh- how are they alive?!" Sango's eyes began to start watering as she looked down at all the old people she knew turned into someone's demon slaves. She wasn't there too long ago so when did this happen?! It was so cruel!

Miroku touched her shoulder, "someone must be inside the main house pulling the stings behind this.. we must go find Kagome and the others. We'd be out numbered if we go in alone. It's too dangerous."

She whimpered slightly, feeling helpless to help them. "okay.. let's head back. Kirara let's go!" They quickly made their way back to Kaede's village. They needed to get to the bottom of this and fast!


Kikyo had laid back into a pool of herbal water has her two little doll prietesses aided to her wound. With her body made of clay the wound looked nothing more then a chunk of her body missing. "Damn all them fools..." She examined her hand. 'This body is still too weak...I need to get my soul back.. at any cost.' She closed her eyes, allowing her mind to rest as her body.


As Sesshomaru leaped through the well, back into the feudal era Kagome immediately sensed something odd. When they touched home ground both Kagome  confirmed that Sesshomaru  and Inuyasha sensed the same thing. However Inuyasha was standing there frozen in fear..? No, in pure terror and confusion..

"A demonic aura?" Kagome muttered. She looked over to Inuyasha and his expression was grim.. he had looked down, having sense that energy before.

"Hn. I sense it as well.." He came to stand next to Kagome as they looked towards the direction of the source.

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