Chapter 10 - Encounter

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  The next morning, Sesshomaru and Kagome gathered up Rin and Shippo to go see Kagome's mother. Before they left they all had s amll breakfast before seeing off Sango and Miroku. They were heading back to the village to check on everyone before going to pay her olf village a visit again. It was a bit sad to watch them go but Kagome knew she can see them whenever she wants and they can visit her anytime. She smiled and waved as they flew off with Kirara.
After some light packing for their journey they were ready and left the palace to start on their way to the well.

Kagome sighed then looked up to Sesshomaru, his long hair flowing in the wind and his face looking even more handsome in this light. She could stare for hours... He sensed she had been starting at him for a moment so he looked back and held her hand. Worried something must be troubling her. She smiled, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze before looking forward again. Kagome saw a familiar cyclone speeding in their direction thats when she knew it was Koga speeding in her direction.
'Oh great.. ' she thought.

Koga had noticed Kagome's scent and when she was in sight he ran up and stopped infront of her. "Hey there, Kagome. It's been a while."

She let out a nervous laugh, not sure how Sesshomaruwould react to Koga being so friendly towards her. Sesshomaru didnt seem at all intimidated or reacted at all. If it was Inuyasha instead they would be at each others throat the moment the cyclone was in view. "Yeah, it has."

Koga examines the group with a raised eyebrow. "Where's mutt face?" He was more intrigued that he wasnt there. Maybe kagome finally got a brain and left that mutt to rot somewhere. Serves him right. He sniffed the air again around Kagome and noticed something.. "And since when are you two paired up?"

Kagome blushed for a moment caught off guard. Did he figure out  Sesshomaru and her mated?!? Sesshomaru said nothing by gave him a warning glare. Koga shrugged it off, as another fellow canine demon he wasn't bother by Sesshomaru's stare.

Kagome noticing the look on Sesshomaru's face she acted to change the subject. "How is Ayame?"

Koga blinked then scratched his temple, a slight blush on his cheek about the subject.  "well were getting married soon.."

"Congrats!" Kagome smiled, brining her hands up and clapped with excitement. She knew how much Ayame loved Koga so she was happy they are tying the knot. Maybe he will stop trying to marry her now. As she remember all his previous advances.

"Y-yeah." He chuckled nervously and took her hands. "I'm sorry I couldn't fore fill my promise to you Kagome." Looking into her eyes with upmost seriousness.

"Uh.." She stammers embarrassed, not knowing what to say. "It's ok Koga 'cause.." before she noticed Sesshomaru grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back to be at his side.

"Because she is my bride to be." Sesshomaruwas not looking down at the other dog demon with heated eyes. "Now, you will excuse us." Sesshomaru walks around Koga taking your hand back into his.

Kagome looked back over her shoulder and waved goodbye. "Sorry, Koga. But, we have to be somewhere right now. I'll see ya later." They continued on their path back to the well. The kids following behind with Jaken screaming at them to stop fooling around.

Koga stood there confused for a moment then he smiles and shrugs before he continued going to his destination. He had a wife to so see.

When Kagome finally turned back from saying farewell to the wolf she walked at Sesshomaru's side she looked up to him. "Um.. Sess-" She started to say, but he cut her off.

"What was that promise?" He didn't look at her, he kept watch ahead as they walked.

Kagome blinked as Shippo jumped onto her shoulder, "Well he was obviously delusional. When he first met Kagome and heard she could since the jewel shards. He wanted to marry her, and promised Kagome after he 'killed' Naraku her would marry her. Bring his head to her even! That guy was nuts about her." Shippo continued. "Everytime we would run into him, he would ask her to be his wife."

Sesshomaru listened to the young kit  and lowly growled under his breathe. The damn mutt.

Kagome sensed his displeasure about it and put her hands up in defense, "Hey, I never agreed to marry him. I wasn't even planning on ever marrying him."

Sesshomaru nodded, knowing well she couldn't plausibly have feelings for that dog. She smirked, seeing him calm down from her reassurance "Did I sense some jealousy?" He didn't respond, he kept looking forward.

Shippo smiled, "take that as a yes." They laughed a bit earning a side glance from him.

Rin, grabbing Kagome's hand looked up and said "Kagome where are we going?"

Kagome looked down at Rin, ready to explain. "Well.." before she can get much out she was cut off by Sesshomaru.

"Rin. Call her mom." He said to her, not in his normal commanding way but in a softer tone.

Rin smiled, "yes my lord!" Rin looked at Kagome once more. "Where are we going mother?"

Kagome's hear leap being called mother, it filled her heart with joy. She couldn'thelp but smile. "Well, were going to go see my mom."

Rin grinned, before gasping "So I'm going to meet Grandma?"

Kagome nodded as Rin jumped around excitedly.

Shippo jumped over onto Rin's head. "I guess that means were brother and sister, Rin."

"Yeah!" They kids laughed as they called each other brother and sister. Kagome smiled, then felt Sesshomaru lightly squeeze her hand. Showing he wasn't upset anymore, she leaned her free hand on his arm. She was too short to reach his shoulder. Her height compared to his made him smile, but it also reminded him how delicate she was. He brings her hand kisses the top of her hand. She smiled again, then she stops when she senses a familiar aura around her. Inuyasha. She ignores it and they continue on their way. Sesshomaru sensed it as well, he didn't mention it either but he now had his guard up.

The sun starts to set as they get to the half way point. Sesshomaru suggested they should make camp for the night. He knew the humans needed rest from such a long journey. The children gathered firewood, as dinner was cooking. Kagome saw that their hands and faces were dirty from playing and gathering before she sat them down to eat she told Sesshomaru she will go and wash the kids up for dinner and he nodded. He sat by the fire with Jaken waiting for them to return. Soon they made their way over to the nearby stream. She helped the kids wash their hands, feet and faces. Once they were both clean she told them to head back and she will be joining them shortly.
Kagome smiled, then put her hands into the water cupping them to face her face when she noticed something red in the water's reflection. She sighed, "Inuyasha.. I told" Kagome looked up and saw it was Kikyo. "K-kikyo?"

"Hello, my reincarnation." She said coldly, looking down at Kagome knelt down by the stream.

Kagome leaned back a little, confused. You didn't sense her aura earlier, how did she find you..? "Why are you here?"

Kikyo smiled faintly, taking a step forward. "It should be obvious.. I want my soul back.."

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