Chapter 5 - The Palace

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That night while everyone was asleep, Inuyasha went out to look for Kikyo. He searched far and wide for her, he needed to get Kagome off his mind and she was the person that did it. But, after walking around for hours he gave up... It was too late to travel all the way to Kaede's hut so he decided to jump up into a tall tree and rest there for the night. The sun would rise again soon anyway but, he still wanted to catch a few hours of sleep while he could.
      As, the sun was up again Kagome and the others were up and traveling again. They were close to the location Sesshomaru wanted to go. She was curious on where they were going. She knew they were heading west. She wasn't sure why at first but then she recalls conversations with Miyoga the flea. He always referred Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's dad as Lord of the Western Lands. So could he be bringing her back to his home?  He wasn't one known to talk about his home land or anything about his past. Maybe now could be a good time to ask?...
       "So Sesshomaru..?" She asked softly looking up at him curiously. He looked down at her a bit.
        "Hn? What is it?"
        She smiled nervously, "it's just I noticed we are heading towards the Western Lands.. you are from here correct?"
        Sesshomaru didn't answer at first he looked forward as the walked, before opening up. "Yes. This is my homeland... though I don't remember spending much time here. After hitting a certain age I left home to travel and become a powerful demon. One who could overpower my father.. he was one of the strongest Lords of the lands so I felt I had to prove my strength to him and to do so I had to fight and become stronger. But, then that night he died... the night Inuyasha was born.. that purpose vanished along with him. So I haven't returned back to this land since. I was left to roam freely as I pleased. To think a human woman could of lead my life to his point. I always thought my father was a fool for falling for a mere human woman.. however now I think I understand his reasons." He has stopped and looked at her. She looked at him in shock and amazement blush lining her cheek. She never thought she would get to hear anything about him or his past. She was happy... she finally felt she was getting to know him more now. She had smiled happily as him, this raised a questionable look from Sesshomaru but, she shrugged it off. She continued to ask him questions about himself to see about learning more about him. The conversation lasted until they finally entered the western lands, Kagome looked out and saw the large lush landscape and it was breath taking. She gazed out in awe  as Sesshomaru stood next to her, but he was looking down at her. He saw her eyes light up in excitement and wonder as she looked over the fields of high grass and bright red flowers. She is so cute... As he thought this she was making that rare smile of amazement.
      She looked up at him, "You're home land is beautiful."
      He gave a slight smile and grabbed her hand gently. "One day it could be our land.. if you wish it to be." He softly places her fingers to his lips kissing them lightly causing her to blushed hard. "This can be your new home."
      She smiled,  looking up at him still blushing from his sweet gesture."Y-Yeah, that sounds wonderful." He smiled back, he was happy that she agreed. He kissed her forehead next then they continued walking. As they walked Kagome admired the fields of bright beautiful flowers, the trees tall and healthy. And when she looked ahead she saw great white walls of the palace. She smiled even brighter, she never seen so beautiful before. As they approached the gate, the doors slowly opened revealing several of house servants bowing to welcome the Lord Sesshomaru back home. The great big door shut behind them and he dismissed everyone to continue their duties.
      One female demon servant came up, and bowed. "Welcome back my Lord. We awaited your long return. Shall I show the guests to their room?"
      He nodded, as they all followed the her. She was a small and slender demon she appeared close to the same race as Sesshomaru himself but without the facial markings. Kagome assumed the markings might be a sign of nobility for his kind..? As they walked through the palace halls Kagoma took in the layout of the rooms. She was sure to get lost later on. The servants seemed to been keeping the palace clean and running in his late father's absence. As they continued the tour the young female servant showed the children their rooms, then continued toward the end of the hall were Kagome's room was and right next to it was Sesshomauru's room. As she opened the doors to the room, Kagome's jaw dropped. The room was very large and everything was shinny and clean as though it were brand new. In the room was a large walk in closest, a large two person bed and a door that lead to her own private hot spring tub. The servant dismissed herself with a bow, as Sesshomaru entered the room after Kagome. Her face was filled with amazement and flushed with happiness.
      "This is.. my room?" she asked Sesshomaru softly. He simply nodded and set her bag down by the closest.
      "My room is right next to it as well," he pointed to the opposite wall, that had a door on it "just in case."
      "Our rooms are connected?! So he can come in here whenever he wants?!" she thought, blushing hard. And what does he mean 'just in case'?! I mean I know  he is a powerful and incredibly handsome demon. But,... her mind went straight to the gutters she feels her face warm up entirely. Her thoughts were stopped as a light knock on the door was heard.
      "My lord, a dinner feast is prepared for your return and welcoming your guests." It was the same girl from earlier. She was standing in her polite bowing position in from of Sesshomaru.
      "Thank you. We will be out shortly." He says dimissibg her for now. She bowed again before leaving them alone again. "Now..." He said as he started walking to the wall and opened the door to his room, "wash up for dinner. There should be clothes to fit you inside the small closet. I will join you in the hall after." And with that he closed the door behind him. She looked the room over once more taking in the bright interior and shiny silk kimonos lined in the closet. Was it really ok for her to wear these...? They all seemed so fancy for someone like her to wear. Don't get her wrong she loved kimonos and all the beautiful patterns sewn into them but, she only wore them for festivals back in her era and they were never made out of silk like these. She hesitated a bit she would decide on one after a bath. Looking back over at the door separating the two rooms she wondered it he would change out of his usual clothing into a new one. She was sure their rooms would look similar but, she was curious as to what his room did look like. So she had tiptoed over to the door and slid it open as quietly as possible. When she had a tiny sliver to peek through she peered around to what she could see in the little crack then she looked over and saw Sesshomaru removing his armor he placed the heavy metal pieces in the floor with a THUD. Whoa.. we're those really that heavy? She continued to watch him then he slowly took off his kimono top. Showing his board shoulders, his pale sculpted chest as abs two hot pink stripes similar to the ones on his cheeks lined the defined muscles in his sides as well at his wrist. He was still missing his arm from all those years ago but it seemed to have healed up nicely. She felt bad for him because of Inuyasha protecting her.. he lost his arm to begin with. After he placed his top onto the full size futon he turned back facing the door. Her faced flushed bright, as she saw he reach down  to untie his sash to his hakama. She had seen enough her heart was racing, she basically sprinted to her wash room.
       Sesshomaru smirked, he knew she was spying in on him with his room so darkly illuminated while hers was bright she didn't know she was casting a shadow against the sliding paper doors. He chuckled to himself as he saw her run away as he started to remove his bottoms. "Hn."  He smiled then continued to get undressed, and bathing before changing into a new outfit and waited out in the hall for her.
       After washing up she stepped out the tub and realized she forgot her towel. "You got to be kidding me?.." she peeked out to make sure no one was in the room, stepping out she quickly went the closest and put on a beautiful silky light green dress that had a hint of gold laced into small floral patterns down the sleeves. It was a beautiful dress. She took a moment looking it over still feeling she wouldn't look right in something so nicely made. She sighed a bit she didn't want to keep Sesshomaru waiting so after she was dressed and was sure the had it on properly, she quickly brushed her hair. When putting her hair brush back in her back something shiny caught her eye. She reached in and pulled out a small simple hair accessory. He was a hair clip she had gotta from her mom many years ago.. but, how did it get into her bag? Maybe her mom slipped it in when she wasn't looking. She smiled looking down at it then using it to up her hair in a cute small bun. After being satisfied with her look she stepped out to the hall at the same time Sesshomaru did. "Oh! Um.. hello Sesshomaru." She didn't expect to almost bump into him exiting her room. After her small moment of embarrassment faded she had time to look over his new clothes. His top was simple and reminiscent of how his normal one looked. It was a silky white fabric with his usual red markings placed here and there but the difference was there were thin red lines coming from each pattern as if they were all connected by the strings. And his bottoms were a pale gray fairly close to white but, you could tell the color difference from his top. He looked as handsome as he always did.
       "You like your new room?" he asked holding out his arm for her to take.
       "Yes, very much." she smiled blushing softly. She linked her arm on his and they walked down the long hall to the dining hall.
       After eating, the children washed up for bed as Kagome and Sesshomaru had went for a walk around the palace.  "Your home is beautiful and so... amazing. You sure it is ok for someone like me to stay here?.." she looked down shyly. It was all so fast and different she didn't know what to do.
        "Well I have a question for you as well.." he says looking ahead as they make their way into the courtyard. It was equally as beautiful as the rest of the home there was a small decorate koi pond with a sakura tree at its side. They sat by the pond on the small stone bench under the tree as the sun started to set.
       "Are you happy here, with me?" Sesshomaru asked holding Kagome at her waist.
       "Of course, I am." She said, looking up to meet his eyes her cheeks turning softly pink.
       "Then of course it is alright for you to stay here. I want you to be upmost happy.. and I say before this could be our home if you wished it to be." Kagome's face lit up thinking about when he said that before andit dawning in her that it might of be something close to an... an... her brain going into overdrive. "Kagome..?" He softly touched her face bringing her back she looked up at him. After a moment of looking in each others eyes.
       "Yes?" she said shyly, the rosey color not leaving her face. He stared deep into her eyes with the upmost serious yet, gentle tone.
       "Would you.. want stay here with me like this forever?"

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