Chapter 6- Let her go

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"Would you.. want to stay here with me like this forever?"
    Kagome was shocked to hear what he just said. Her heart was racing faster which she didn't think was possible but it was. She sat there speechless.. yes he had said or asked her something similar to this but, now she understood what he was meaning now. It was kinda of like he form of a proposal. He didn't say anything after that he was just looking deep into her eyes. Kagome looked away to think. She was happy here and she was happy with Sesshomaru and She knew this for sure. The past few days he had shown her a whole new side of himself. He protected her, shown her his gentle embrace and brought her to his home far from anything or anyone to harm her. She could be happy here, Hell the past few nights with him have been the best nights she has had in a very long time. Maybe it was time to finally move on. Inuyasha was probably off with Kikyo now anyway, he didn't even try to come look for her after the incident. She clenched her hand over her chest. It was time to move on and look after herself. She knew her heart felt something for Sesshomaru. It always beat like crazy when he was around her and she couldn't help feeling the twist of butterflies fluttering inside of her. It was time for her to love again. She smiled and had made  up her mind she looked back to meet his eyes "Yes."
    He smiled back at her, this was the first genuine smile Kagome ever saw him do. He looked even more beautiful when he smiled, he wrapped his arm around her and held her tightly. She melted into his embrace resting her head on his shoulder, ravishing in the moment.Then they looked each other in the eyes once more then slowly pulled into a tender kiss sealing the deal. His lips were rough and passionate, against her soft and sweet lips. Kagome's heart beating a mile a minute but she didn't care if Sesshomaru could hear it. She was happy here in his arms and that's all that mattered.
    Inuyasha still couldn't find Kikyo he figured she had went into hiding again. He sighed giving up for now she could be anywhere so instead he spent the day tracking down Kagome's scent and it lead him to the Western Lands. "Where did he take her?" He keep following the scent and came up to the castle wall. The sun was setting so maybe he could sneak in and talk to her. Apologize for what he did to her... his ears flopped down sadly as he jumped up to the wall by the court yard. He crouched on top of the palace wall he looked down and saw everything. Kagome and Sesshomaru holding each other tightly and kissing each other. The same way he and Kagome use to before they defeated Naraku. Inuyasha growled, "No.. I can't allow this.. I.." he clenched his fist and jumped down off the wall and faced the couple.
    Sesshomaru and Kagome pulled away from each other to see Inuyasha standing there with dark eyes.
    "Inuyasha? What are you doing here?!" Kagome asked, leaning in close to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru stood between them shielding her from Inuyasha. She stood behind him peeking around Inuyasha.
    "I came for you, Kagome... I still love you. Please I'm sorry for what happened.. I don't know what came over me I-..." Inuyasha said with pleading eyes.
    She clenched her fists, snapping back at him. "Oh really? What about Kikyo? If you loved me why would you leave me behind? You will always choose her over me, and you know it!" Inuyasha flinched. "I was always second best to you.. I gave up trying to be number one in your heart because I know I will never be.. I was tired of being your back up plan. And for what you did.. I don't know if I could ever fully forgive you."
    "Kagome.. I.." Inuyasha stopped seeing Sesshomaru wrap a protective arm around her.
    "Inuyasha, I'm sorry. But, you have to go. I'm with Sesshomaru now and Kikyo is waiting  for you.." she smiled weakly at him, "She is the one you always wanted.. now go and be with her. You don't have to worry about me any longer. Please just go."
     Inuyasha looked down in shame, she was right no matter what happened between them his love for Kikyo was always there. He didn't mean for things to be like this. Even if they could go back to being friends... things will never be the same. Kagome deserves to be happy and he knew he wasn't the one to do so. He looked up at them with watery eyes and looked at Sesshomaru, "Give her the love and care she deserves.."
     Sesshomaru nodded,  Inuyasha took a shaky breath then he turned and jumped back onto the wall, "I'll tell Sango and Miroku you're here. They been worried about you.."
     "Thank you Inuyasha." She said softly looking up at him with pity in her eyes.
     He didn't want to see her look at him with those eyes so with that he left. Sesshomaru finally eased up a bit after he left, he wasn't in the mood to fight with him tonight. But, at least now Sesshomaru no longer had to worry about him interfering. "Come. It's getting late." Offering his arm again he lead her back to her room. "If you get lonely tonight you can come lay down with me." He said smoothly, standing outside her door.
     She smiled, "I might take you up on that offer." She kissed him goodnight and headed to her bed. He stood outside her door til he heard her sleeping before returning to his own chambers for the evening. He had some business to catch up on before he called it a night. He stepped into the room and sat at the small table with a small candle lit as he begun looking over scrolls and paper work.
     Inuyasha retreated back out of the West lands looking back once more at the Palace in the distance. He felt a part of his heart ripped away but, he deep down felt he deserved the pain. He carried on walking, he would rest once he was back in Kaede's village.

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