Chapter 15- Darkness

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Inuyasha stood in shock, 'She says.. she loves me..' feeling his heart beat. Finally hearing the words he had longed for.. for so long. Then he thought about it, 'No.. she is just saying it so I can take her Kagome to finish what she started.' Which stung deep in hos soul, knowing it could all be a facade. She moved in closer to him, Inuyasha didn't move he just watched her approached him. She places her hand onto his chest.

"Inuyasha, can you forgive me? We could start over and be as we were before." She slowly leaned in to kiss him.

He turned his face from her, his hair covering his eyes. "You still want to kill Kagome..?"

Kikyo frowned, knowing she would need to do more for him to help her. She sweetly smiled. "I'm not here to talk about my reincarnation.. I'm here because I want to be with you."

Inuyasha stared back at her to find an hint of lying but her eyes drew a blank. Even so, he still wasn't convinced. He turned to face her, "Why now after everything that's happened? You think I'll fall for this crap!" He looked away, clenchinghis fists. "I'm tired of this,.. this back and forth with you. And I wont help you kill Kagome!" He felt the same pain he did the night she bound him to that tree.

Kikyo face and eyes grew cold, "Are you denying me then, Inuyasha?" Her aura around her grew and darkened. "I thought you really loved me, but it seems you don't. You never have!"

"Wh-What the-?!" Inuyasha stammered back a little as her power grew and started to burst from her.

"This is your last chance Inuyasha! Join me or DIE!" Her soul collectors eyes flew red and charged at him. He quickly drew his sword and attack them but more kept coming.

"Dammit! I'm not getting anywhere with this.." He frown then holding his sowrd to use his windscar but he didn't aim for the collectors. "I'm sorry Kikyo.. but I have to do this! It has to end here! Windscar!!"

"You dare attack me?!" She summoned more collectors to protect her but it only softened the blow she received a huge slash to the chest. She yelped in pain and fell to her knees.

Inuyasha grimaced then ran off he couldn't stay and watch. He ran to the well before Kikyo could send her collectors after him and he jumped inside. To the one place she couldn't reach him.

"Whoa! So this a park?" Rin and Shippo looked in amazement as they watched other kids play.

Kagome nodded, "This is where children like you come to play."

"Oh! Can we go play, Please!" They pleaded with their eyes.

Kagome's mom smiled "Of course, we will sit over here. Don't run off too far. And remember no mention of demon, and no fox magic."

They nodded then ran off to play. Sesshomaru joined with Kagome and mom on the parks bench. His face looked human since Kagome covered his marks but she heard murmurs of women commenting on his long silver hair. A lot of women were in aw with him his appearance affect women even in this era. Kagome sat and pursed her lips in jealousy she didn't like the looks other women were giving him. Sesshomaru sensed her discomfort and grabbed her hand, then she looked up at him. He gave her a smile, not just any smile one of his rare smiles. It caused Kagome to blush uncontrollably, the women watching in envy. It made Kagome happy, they sat there a little longer before getting the children to head back home. Half way walking home the children became tired so Sesshomaru carried them all the way back to the house.As they approached the house they saw the familiar red kimono standing outside.


Kikyo clenched her fists in frustration, seeing the large gash in her chest. The clay chipping away. "He DARES to DENY me.. ME?!" She took a second to lean agaisnt the tree for support, then she smirked, "Well then again.. I have no emotions.. All I feel is pain and vengeance again Inuyasha and that reincarnation of mine." She began to laugh darkly, "I'll kill them.. I'll kill them all!" She had no other choice she summoned demons from the shadows, with them with her she is now a dark priestess.


As they approached the house they recognized the figure as Inuyasha. He turned to face them, Sesshomaru stood in front of Kagome. "What are you doing here Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha hung his head down "I came to apologize... I didn't intend to help Kikyo do what she did.. I came to .. help protect Kagome. But.." he clenched his fists. "I know what happened wont easily forgotten.. but I'm willing to help in anyway. Plus I have information on Kikyo and her plans.."

Kagome stepped out to Sesshomaru's side, "Kikyo? What do you mean?"

Sesshomaru looked up and sniffed, "let's continue this inside a storm is coming."

Kagome's mother nodded "the weather man said it would rain tonight."

Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha, "we will listen to you but, if I feel as though you trying to deceive me... I will kill you." Inuyasha stared back at Sesshomaru, then he nodded. Then they proceeded into the house.

Kikyo wandered around looking for a place to rest. The gaining of her new powers were getting to her. She came to find a village filled with graves and weapons. She looked around a got an idea.. she decided to bring the dead alive like her own dead army. She didn't want to do the same tactics as Naraku but, as she began to have the same thoughts of his ideas weren't all that different.  She stood in the centers of the village, raising a hand high as a dark power swirled above her finger tips. "They will be in quite a shocked to see this place after I'm done with it." She enjoyed this new power she was granted, she laughed as she arose the dead. "Rise fellow slayers.." She laughed evilly, as the dead remains of The Demon Slayer Clan crawled up from their shallow Graves carefully done by Sango. The corpses of her people were now  under Kikyo's control.

After Inuyasha and the other discussed the situation. How Kikyo approached him asking for help to regain part of her soul from Kagome. He didn't think she really meant when she said she wanted to kill Kagome. But, their last few encounters made him see how serious the situation is.

"So Kikyo is.." Kagome mumbled.

Inuyasha lowered his head. "Yes,... I feel she will finally let the darkness take over her. Ever since Naraku was defeated she has become more twisted..."

Sesshomaru pondered this, "hmm and so it seems.. she wont be going down without a fight.. We will have to go back to face her. And put an end to all of this."

"Yes.." Inuyasha said in a low voice, "but I want to be the one who delievers the final blow.." He looked at Kagome with a weak smile. "I atleast owe you that after what I did.."

Kagome looked up to see Sesshomaru's face, he looked back for a second then looked back to his brother. "Very well. We will be heading back tomorrow morning, we will assess the situation and plan accordingly."

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