Chapter 20

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Pregnant Starr was impossible! She was already insane to begin with, now I had to make sure she didn't leave my sight. One time, she tried to make Bob drink blood, trying to tell him that he wouldn't be as tired, and when he didn't, she forced it down his throat!

"Starr, why don't you stay here while I go check on Joshua and Cleta?"

She nodded, and I could tell that she was in a depressed mood. "Or, you could come with me."

She struggled to get up, and I went over to help[ her. Starr was five months pregnant, but she looked to big to be carrying only one child. I thought about the day that I brought this up with Tate.

"I think Starr might be having twins," I whispered to him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I remember when I was pregnant, and I wasn't that big when I was four months, I think there is more than one baby on the way,"

"If you really think so, you can tell her, but you remember how she acted when she first found out, I wouldn't expect her to act much differently when she finds out that she has at least one other kid growing inside her," Tate said as he turned to walk away.

Starr didn't take the news well, she went into a deep depression, and she wouldn

t eat anything willingly. I had to force the food down her throat, and to do that I had to have the guys hold her down so that she wouldn't kill me. After a month though, she started to get better, and now she only gets down every now and again. She started to eat more and more every day, and hse started to take her vitamines as well.

I was t=glad to see her taking care of herself, but I was also getting worried. When I gave birth, we didn't have any problems, but that the case for every birth. We didn't have a hospital to take her to, and we didn't have any machine to chack on the fetuses. I hoped that her birthing process would go smoothly, but what if she needed a C-Section? what if the babies were born with health problems? what if one was still born? what if some thing happened to Starr during the process? These thoughts went through my head daily, and every day I spent hours trying to tell myself that everything would be fine.

"Jasmine, and I tell you something?" Starr asked me on the way to Joshua and Cleta.

"Yeah, you can tell me anything."

"I'm pretty sure that I am have twins,"


"I have been feeling more than two kicks at a time, so either I am having twins, or my baby has more than two legs, and I just have this feeling."

I looked at her, and I thought of how smart and dumb she was at the same time. I tried telling her that I already knew about the second baby, but all that I could say was, "Well that means that we are going to have to find twice the amount of supplies for them."

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