Chapter 4

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"Y-yes?" I stutter. "What do you want?" He laughs.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure little Frankie was okay." He says innocently.

"Okay?! You wanted to know if I was okay? You tried to fucking murder me!" I shriek.

"Aw, come on. Don't tell me you're not over that yet. It was such a small thing. Why can't you let it go?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. I breathed deeply. He's just trying to make me upset, I remind myself. He can try, but I'm going to stay calm. Or, as calm as I can be while Mikey and Ray are missing.

"How could it be easy to get over attempted murder? You know Ashley is in jail, doing time for your crime?" I ask.

"Well, she probably did something worthy of the time anyways. Gotta go, Frankie! Love ya, see you soon" the line goes dead. I end the call and look up to see everyone staring at me.

"Was that him?" Pete asks quietly. I nod, seemingly unable to speak. Gerard sits next to me and pulls me to his chest, stroking my hair. I let out a small sob and bury my face in his neck. I hear Bob whispering softly to Andy, but I can't hear what they're saying. I burrow myself closer to Gerard, and fall asleep to him whispering softly in my ear.


"Frank? ... Frank. Frank, wake up." I feel someone shaking me. I groan and grasp the first thing I can find, which happens to be a cloth, and pull it closer. I hear the person let out a snort and then they shake me again. Why do I feel like I'm under a microscope? "Frank, you need to wake up..." Then it all floods back. Gerard. Ashley. Gun. Hospital. Mikey. Ray. R. I jerk into consciousness to see Gerard looking at me worriedly. "Frank, are you okay? I-I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't move for a while."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Where's everyone else?" I rub my eyes.

"They're in the living room, talking. We need you so we can make a final decision. Pete said he knew R at one point, but he thinks announcing who 'R' is will put everyone in even more danger. Patrick had a problem with it at first, but we got him calm. We have a plan, and we want you to be okay with it." Gerard says in a rush. I nod.

"Okay, but I don't see why I need to okay it. You're the one being hunted." He tenses. My eyes widen. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that." He says it's fine, but I can tell he's hurt. I don't see why. He's such a crybaby. What? Maybe it's just because I'm tired. Yeah, that's it.


"So, do you think the plan will be okay?" Pete asks me. It was about two hours later, around noon. Gerard's mother still doesn't know about Mikey or Ray, and mine and Ray's parents think we're just having a "guy's week", whatever that is. I shrug.

"He's probably gonna suspect all of this, and he'll probably outsmart all of you. It's not hard to do." I say. Everyone looks are me surprisingly.

"Frank, now isn't the time for cruel jokes." Andy says. I let out a small snarl.

"The only cruel thing that has happened is the shot not killing me and making me stuck with you people."

What is happening to me?


Hello again, random citizens. I question my sanity sometimes while writing this story. Anyways, comment what you think, I hope you enjoyed!

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