Chapter 8

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I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come, but it never did. I opened my eyes when I heard a scream of pain from a girl, and saw Ashley on the floor, bleeding. I gasp, stumbling back and almost making Spencer and I fall. I see Ronnie, frozen across the room. I hear Andy get out his phone, probably dialing for an ambulance, but I can't tear my eyes away from Ronnie. He's staring at Ashley who's laying on the floor, unconcious, a shot wound in her shoulder.

"A-Ashley?" He stutters. He runs forwards, dropping by her. "Ashley?" He whispers. The intesity of his voice makes me take a step backwards, wanting to give privacy. "Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive, don't fucking die on me."

"Why do you care?" Frank says. I turn to him, trying to signal for him to shut up, but to no avail. His eyes were cold and fixed on Ronnie. "You sent her to do your work, and then left her in jail for it. Even if you do mean whatever fucked up feelings you may have for her, your way of showing may cost you her forgiveness. On top of it all, her possible demise is all your fault." There's a wave of silence following the end of Frank's statement, and I can see Ronnie getting visibly more angry. Ronnie stands from his spot. 

"You had to open your mouth, didn't you?" He growls, fists clenched. "You're gonna pay for ever opening your trap, shortie." I step in front of Frank, glaring at Ronnie.

"You're never going to lay another hand on Frank." I scowl. Ronnie looks surprised for a moment, before he moves to attack. But before he could move a muscle towards me, the warehouse door opens again, paramedics and police coming in. lights are turned on, and before I could blink, Ashley is moved into a stretcher and Ronnie is out into handcuffs. He's led outside and a policeman approches.

"Sorry we were a bit late, we had to stop somewhere first." He says.

"Gerard?" A voice says from the entrance. My eyes widen. I would know that voice anywhere. I turn to see Mikey and Ray standing in the light of the outdoors, clothes dirty and faces worn. I smile despite the appearence.

"Mikey!" I exclaim, running and hugging him, then Ray. "I'm glad you guys are okay." The next few minutes are full of thankful hellos and a introduction between Ray and Pete.

"I think we should go visit Ashley in the hospital, just so she has someone to wake up to if she does." Spencer says.

"Well, first..." The policeman says. We all turn to him, as if we forgot he was there. "You all will need to come and answer a few things first. Also, I doubt all of you are over eighteen, so we'll need to call some parents."

"Oh, shit." I say. "This isn't going to end well."

"Well, for you guys it won't." Pete says. "Thankfully, Me, Bob, and Andy are over eighteen and Spence here turned eighteen in September. I'm glad I make Patrick stay home, his mom would've killed me if he got hurt."

"And he would've killed you if you got hurt. And you would've probably killed whoever decided it was a good idea to mess with Patrick in the first place." Andy says. "Can we go now?"


Oh, look at that. This shows how much I'm ready for this to be over. I mean, I wasn't satisfied with this story when I first started the first book, but aren't you glad I didn't delete it like the story that I totally forgot what the name was? But I've gotten a lot more proud of this as the story progressed. The only thing left is the Epilouge, so get ready for that! Also, I have other stories that you could read if you like my writing style and all that jazz. My only other finished story is a BobxRay, but I have a bunch of oneshots with a ton of different pairings. I also have some original stories that I'm kinda proud of, so make sure to check those out. I hope you enjoyed, comment what you think!

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