Chapter 1

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This is my first story so bare with me and also thankyou for reading!! :)

"Mum!!" I yelled when I realized I couldn't find my phone.

When I realized I didn't catch her attention, I stood up and went to call for my mum.

"Hello Sophia" Amy, our maid said. Amy was considered the best maid in England which is why we hired her. She is a really good friend probably because she's only 20 and I take advantage the fact that she is a stylist at heart.

"Hey Amy, have you seen my mum?" I asked, brushing my hair.

"She went to a apperance at the Windermere House" she said.

"Oh ok then" I said, putting down my brush.

"Would you like to do something together?" asked Amy, laying out my clothes for the day.

I turned around realizing how much she wanted to spend time with me and agreed. She really doesn't get out that much because she's either cleaning up for us or because of popularity. I really don't get out that much either being that my mum is the Queen and my dad is the King and I am technically a princess which I really hate being. Well let me be a little more clear about that, I don't technically hate being a Princess its just like it gets really crazy when I cant even go to the mall not like I need to go to the mall I have all the dresses in the world, you know what you get it.

"I'll go tell Oliver to get the limousine ready" said Amy. Oliver is our current limousine driver and is also a really good person to talk to.

"Ok" I said.

I went to go in my cupboard only to find my phone on my dresser. "Why didn't you think to look there Sophie?" I said to myself. I know weird right talking to myself. I went downstairs and said my greetings to Oliver as he stood by the limousine waiting.

"Morning, Oliver." I said in a as cheerful voice as I could knowing that I was very tired.

"Morning love. How is your morning so far?" Oliver asked, smiling widely.

"Very good actually. Have you seen Charlie?" I asked, knowing that he was no where around, probably in America with his girlfriend of about three years now.

"I haven't seen him but he is in America with Stacey" he said. "I have no clue when he will be back." See I told you I was right. Stacey is his girlfriend which I hate. She is so annoying and very arrogant. I don't see why Charlie seems so interested in her anyway but you know its what he likes.

"Ok thanks for telling me" I said, getting in the limousine.

"No problem love" Oliver said, getting in the limousine.

"You ready to have fun?" Amy asked, looking very excited being as if this is her first ACTUAL time she has been out of the palace in about 3 months. Well technically it is but whatever.

"Yes I am" I said, looking very enthusiastic. She laughed realizing how un-enthusiastic I was but I love Amy so I have to be enthusiastic because she wants me to.


As we walked into TopShop many people realized it was me and literally freaked. I really got used to it but hated it at the same time. You could notice that Amy wasn't used to it at all because she hasn't been out that much. It was actually funny watching Amy's reaction. She screamed as cameras were shoved in her face and people pushed her.

"Does this happen all of the time?" Amy asked, scared as we finally reached our destination and walked into TopShop.

"Yeah" I replied. "This is just the beginning."

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