Chapter 7

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Thank you all for reading and I want to make a special thanks to 21Polaroid for making my new cover and if you ever need a cover maker to check her out!! Thanks again! XOXOXOXO


"Nicholas" I said.

"Hello Sophia" he said, smiling. I was trying to figure out why he was here but I didn't want to be mean but I had to ask.

"Hey Nicholas but um why are you here?" I asked. I felt kinda mean after I said it but I couldn't take it back.

"I was here because um" he started to say scratching his head. "I... your father invited me" He hesitated when he was answering my question which means its another reason why he is here and he's totally lying to me.

"Oh okay then" I said, suspicious on what he just said.

"Well aren't you going to go eat with us?" Nicholas asked, giving his captivating smile.

"I would love to but see I...." I started to say but Nicholas chimed in.

"Oh it's fine Sophia it wont take that long we're almost finished" he said, grabbing my arm and walking me to the dining room.

"Nicholas I cant" I said, trying to make him let me go. He turned me around and faced me. His baby blue eyes staring in mine.

"Please for me" he said. This is the stuff that made me fall in love with him from the start. He's always charming someone using those baby blue eyes of his. I hesitated at first but his eyes, his voice, and his persistent begging made me not decline his request.

"Sure Nicholas" I said, walking to the dining room.

"Yay" he said, finally letting my arm go. We went into the dining room and everyone was talking. I felt like the third wheel because I was coming in so late.

"Hello Sophia" Mom said, as I sat down in the chair at the end of the table.

"Hello mum" I said, scooting my chair up to the table. I looked at Nicholas who was sitting next to Amy. They were talking to each other which is odd because they never met. I kinda got jealous but I don't know why.

"Where were you Sophia?" Father asked me. I had to think about my answer because I didn't want to tell him where I REALLY was so I lied which I have been doing lately to my parents.

"I was sick. Very bad stomach ache" I said, avoiding eye contact with my parents. I could tell that my mom was catching on but just didn't want to call me out on my lie.

"Oh ok glad you feel better" dad said.

"Thanks" I said, looking up at my mom who was staring at me like I had 2 heads. I knew something was wrong because Amy wasn't even talking to me and or was she making eye contact with me.

"Hello Amy" I said, trying to get Amy to talk to me.

"Hey Sophia" she said, looking down. Nicholas whispered to her something but I don't actually know what he had said.

"How was your day?" I asked her sipping my water.

"Great" she said, still looking down. I looked at mum and father who were just staring looking like they had something to say but just didn't know how to word it. They never do this. Okay so now I have to say something.

"Is there anything you guys have to tell me because you guys look weird except for Nicholas who just looks like he's happy as a camper" I said, sitting up in my chair.

"No" Amy said, finally looking up.

"Why can't we just tell her?" dad asked. "She wouldn't care."

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