Chapter 18

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I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to get this interview over with. I'm still a little afraid but at least I'll have Louis on my side. I first yawned then decided to get up. As I sat on the side of the bed, I checked my phone to see if I had gotten any messages from either Zayn or Harry but found only one from Zayn that said:"We need to talk."The words I hate to hear. I decided to not reply so I turned my phone off and began the process of getting ready. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took a shower. After I was done, I applied my makeup, fixed my hair and put my clothes on. I wore a cream colored Jones + Jones Audrey dress with some black high top converse. I knew I had to look some what formal for a interview so I put something more fancy and or princessy on. After I accessorized, grabbed my phone, and checked in the mirror a few times, I went down the stairs to wait for Louis.

"Oooo don't you look foxy" Amy said, looking up from reading the Daily Los Angeles Newspaper.

"Thanks Amy" I said smiling as I sat on the couch.

"No problem how's it all going with you and Zayn" she asked, now putting the newspaper down completely.

"It's fine I guess" I said looking down.

"What do you mean you guess?" She asked. Just then a black tinted van pulled up to the door and Louis got out.

"That's a story that should be told at a different time" I said.

"Okay Sophie, Louis is here" she said, standing up, walking over to the door and opening it. Good thing Charlie was still sleep so he wouldn't embarrass me like he did last night. Amy opened the door to a Louis who stood at the door looking sexy as ever (not that I was looking). He wore this white t- shirt under a black, leather jacket with black jeans and black vans. "Hello Louis."

"Hello Amy" he said smiling. "Sophia here?"

"Yes she is" Amy said smiling. "Sophia, Louis is here." She said again acting as if she hadn't told me already.

"Hello Louis!" I yelled as I ran to the door.

"Hey Sophia don't you look gorgeous" he said smiling.

"Thank you" I said blushing. "You look dashing yourself."

"Thanks I'm sorry I didn't bring flowers I didn't want to be late" he said looking down, doing a puppy dog face.

"It's fine" I said laughing. "Let's go before the driver gets tired of waiting."

"Okay nice seeing you Amy" Louis said smiling.

"Nice seeing you too, Louis. Have fun guys and don't get nervous Sophia"

Amy said as I walked out of the door.

"Okay Amy" I said getting into the van. After a couple of more waves and goodbyes, the driver pulled off and we were on our way to The Ellen show.


I was now preparing myself for the day by brushing my teeth, washing my face, and then taking a shower. I laid my clothes out for the day and made sure I dressed casual. As usual, I tweeted a good morning post to the fans as I was about to head out the door. Earlier, I texted Sophia and told her I had to talk to her because I really do need to talk to her about something important pertinent to what happened yesterday. I saw she read the message but didn't reply so I will no longer try. I'll wait until she decides to text me back. In the meantime, I grabbed all my things, and ran downstairs only to find everyone there but Louis.

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