Chapter Seven

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The hospital was well lit and active for the time of night it was. Greyson had actually been sleeping when he got a call from Brae that Chris had been hurt. He had always been active and even maybe too competitive, so he expected to hear that it had happened in a pool. However, he'd been wrong about how it happened. In practice? Chris wasn't that careless. Regardless, his friend would be out for at least the first game of the season and he knew Chris would be crushed.

He made his way past the group of doctors huddled in the hallway and read the numbers outside the doors on the third floor. He hoped Chris wouldn't be too mad at him. He'd spent the last forty minutes listening to why he didn't need to come, but he wanted to be here for his friend...and he wanted to see him. It had been almost a month since they'd seen each other because of their busy lives and Greyson felt guilty for that.

He had finally found the room when he saw Chris's parents. Good thing, because he'd forgotten the number of the room. When he walked in, though, he saw something he wasn't expecting. Chris was smiling. His parents were still there. His mom was sleeping, but he and his dad were up talking still.

"Grey! You came."

"Of course I came. I had to see my main man."

"You know you didn't have to. I know you're busy."

"I was going to come see your first game anyways."

"Well, now I might just need you to argue my case for me. Try to convince coach to let me swim tomorrow." Christopher joked

Greyson chuckled, "If only I was that good."

"Pshhh, I heard about your award from your first mock trial. Way to go Mr. Best Argument of the Night Junior Prosecutor."

"Way to go Grey." Brae smiled

"It's really nothing. I'm really enjoying college, though. I hope this is the only bump you've experienced so far." He looked at his friend who smiled

"Something like that."

The two talked for hours about going to the meet tomorrow anyways and about how Chris had the weekend off from his project and then right before they fell asleep, he mentioned a girl. Faintly, but Chris seemed rather fond of her and Greyson was happy for him. He couldn't wait to spend the day with his favorite person.


The stands were packed. Unlike most universities, Northwestern was known for its swim team. Demetrius made his way through the large crowds, looking for Chris. He'd taken his roommate to the hospital last night so he hadn't planned on coming out today until Chris called him and told him the plans were still on. He turned the corner of the bleachers and saw Chris with his crutches. He was surrounded by what looked like his parents and another guy their age he didn't recognize. For an instant, he considered turning back, he was different than Chris. What if these people were like him? He felt out of place. But then, Chris spotted him and waved. He half smiled and waved back. No turning back now. He sucked in his nervousness and walked up to them.

"Mom, dad, Greyson, this is my roommate Demetrius. Demetrius, I'm so pumped you came. This is my mom and dad and best bud."

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm sorry you can't swim today."

"Aww, I'll make up for it next week." Chris smiled and they all took their seats

"You and Christopher get along well?" His mom asked with a smile. Her eyes looked thoughtful. He couldn't remember the last time his own mother's eyes had looked that way

"Oh yeah, Demetrius is awesome."

"See, God works in mysterious ways." Kat smiled at the both of them

There it was again, the mention of God. It came so easy for these people. It had come so easy for his grandmother. Oh, how he missed her. He found comfort in not remembering her. The memories were too painful. He feared his grandmother would be so ashamed of him if she could see him now. He'd given in to the very thing she'd warned him about. Chris was a good guy, he wasn't.

Chris patted Demetrius on the back, "He's a good guy."

The game started then and throughout all of Chris's rants and cheers, Demetrius was distracted. He'd come to Northwestern to make a difference with his writing to someone, but maybe someone was making a difference on him. Northwestern ended up winning and Chris shouted with joy. They all went to celebrate. As they were eating, Demetrius got the perfect idea for his project. He smiled to himself and at the warmness of the people around him.

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